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I have a Ford Galaxy 2.3 ghia.


1 month ago my cruise control starts to go only in the first 10 minutes of a trip, then it stopped to go.


I read all your post on this forum and i have changed all the vaacum pipes by myself,

i have check the vaacum pump and it goes if i connect to a 12v battery

i have connect an electrical cable from the normal cable of the vaacum pipe to the internal of the car and i connect it to the vaacum pump.

and when i swich on the cruise control the pump doesn't go.


So I can say that is an electrical problem for my cruise control,


Can youi help me, and suggest me what i have to check?

the electrical cable that connect the vaacum pump, where it starts?

where is the central unit of the cruise control?

which is the fuse or the transistor that i have to check?


Thanks in advance



check switches on brake and clutch pedals - these disengage the cc and if faulty may stop it engaging

I know nothing about what goes inside this particular cruise control (But I could design one if necessary) but always think it best to start by treating it as a black box and think about what it needs to work.


Basically, speed above 30, in gear, clutch not pressed and brake not pressed. A study of the wiring diagrams if you cen get hold of one may give you more.


In short, I think Nik's suggestion is a good place to start.


Mind, I am bemused by the need for a vacuum pump. Maybe someone can enlighten us.

  NikpV said:
check switches on brake and clutch pedals - these disengage the cc and if faulty may stop it engaging


Thanks, but how can i know if they are faulty?

i have a tester but i

don't know how to check it.

can you explain me please?




Sorry, I can't help much but, as far as I know, the switches are down by the pedals. I don't even know where the cruise control electronics are 'cos I've never had to look.


Can I suggest that you search the site for "Brake switch" etc. Also for TIS disc which maye cost a few quid although they are basically free and will give you all of the information you need. You will probably find all that you need on the site somewhere but it may take some time. The search facility needs patience but it is all there somewhere.


Good luck.


Take the top cover off the steering coloumn & check that the wires that run into the stalk (that has the cruise control buttons on) haven't broken just as they go through the hole ontop of the stalk. Mine had so i had to take it apart & solder the wires back together.


Hope this helps

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