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i Have mk2, 1.9 TDI Bamma

I have a bad hesitation in the mornings of car judder (revs drop and cars going to stall, it has stalled 2 times) and lots of white smokes also comes from the Aux Heater exhaust for about 5 minutes. It does the stalling only when cold at present, but i think its getting worse as it lasts longer.

I also have slight hesitation when driving up the gears.

I have been looking at the TIS manual and i can't locate any isv or icv to take of and clean.

is there another part i should be looking for ?

Could it be the Maf causing this instead or aux heater glowplug !!

Please advise guys



You are correct, your TDi does not have ISV or ICV.


You'll be deluged with a bewildering array of possible solutions, but to eliminate the MAF you simply unplug it and run it without.




Update, diconnected the maf and there was no hesitation of stalling, but there is still a extreme rough sound like a drill or vacuum, when reving, what can this be guys, please advise

thanks again :rolleyes:


hi edatelder

TIS = is a ford manual for cars

MAF = is a Mass air flow meter

ISV = is a Idle Stableizer valve

ICV = is a idle control valve

there you go

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