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I have downloaded Vag-com from the Ross Tech website and i am having problems getting it to recognise the lead.


When i plugged my lead in (USB-Serial) my laptop started to download a driver from windows update. (USB- Serial adaptor)


I have set the port in the control panel to com 1 but when testing the message says Port Ok Interface not found.


The pc is runing on Vista SP1.


Any help would be appreciated.




Port ok, interface not found means...


It found the port, but the vag interface was not on the end (or it did not reply).

The scenario where changing the port made it work, quite possibly com1 already existed and the vagcom interface was actually on com2, so com1 was found but no interface existed, com2 was also found and the interface was on there too.


Another possibility was that the interface came up as com1 and clashed with some existing hardware, then trying to use it would give unpredictable results.




Ok daft question (Obvious answer?)


Vista as downloaded the serial port replicator driver, but do i now need another driver for the ODB side of things?


If so where can i get one from, cant find original disc that came with the lead.



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