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Guest Dave M.

Hi all, its my first post so gotta say sorry about the negative line this post will take. Here's my situation.


On Feb 1st, I went to the ford dealership in Scunthorpe, north lincolnshire and bought a mk3 ford mondeo zetec. No problem there apart from the sales guy trying to get our mondeo for pennies (which he didn't).


I pay the deposit and arrange to pick the car up on Saturday 7th Feb and ask the sales guy to get my tax organised for me. No problems again.


I check on wednesday 4th to see if everything is in place and the sales guy says yes we're good for saturday pickup. On friday 6th at 4pm, I get a message telling me there's a problem with the car and its been de-registered so there is no chance I'll pick it up on saturday. I'm ok (but very disappointed) about this and the sales guy says he'll call me on the following monday with an update. Monday comes and goes...no update. I call the dealership and get told wait until thursday 12th.....Thursday 12th comes and goes...no progress.


I wait another week until today and don't even get a call to say whats happening. I call the dealership and finally get through to the guy who sold us the car and he's downright rude/offensive and basically said he didn't give a s**t.


I call the dealership head office in oxford and surprise surprise, I get another call from my sales friend who tells me I have three options, 1 deposit back, 2 replacement car, 3 wait a further 6-8 weeks for the problem to be sorted out as DVLA/Ford are having an arguement over the car registration.


Here's what I think, if the 02 car is re-registered it could end up with a 53 plate which technically means I loose out if I opt for my deposit back or a replacement car with an 02 plate on it....so I'm thinking of holding out the 8 weeks odd for the car.....what do you guys reckon.


Basically the moral of this story is, don't bother with the Ford Dealership in Scunthorpe, they're fine until you have a problem...then they're really crap. The body shop at this dealership is also crap as it took them 5 weeks to sort out a problem with the bumper on my existing car....a problem they caused !!!


Anyway, your thoughts would be welcomed on this one...Cheers all

Guest j_mchattie

Hi, yeah - gotta say, ford are crap.

My local ford (Swale, Gravesend) cant even be bothered to come to the parts desk when im standing there waiting for some damn service. Thing is, they know your there - i ring the bell for ages!. Then they 'dont know' if a diesel gasket for this or the other is different to a petrol one. And the aragance - they dont really care.


I havent been able to but a new car yet (im only 19), but, with service from ford - dont think ill bother.


My next cars a Mitsi anyway, GT3000 with any luck - better start saving my student loan!


I say grab a haynes and get to a breakers, the aragance is the same, but the parts are cheaper! Result.


Glad (kinda) to see that its not just my ford place not liking 'us youngsters!' - and that they are the same to everyone, thats the way guys - consistancy




Sorry to hear you guys are having problems but you cant dismiss the whole Ford company because of a few bad dealers.The dealers I know are great & ever helpful unlike other manufactures I have dealt with!

Dave go to another dealer & save yourself time,stress & money,oh and McHattie start saving up for the insurance for your GT3000! & like it or not you will have to go to a dealer eventually regardless of your car make as Haynes manuals are useless for modern cars due to the complex EOBD,managment systems etc.Let us not forget safety aswell,undo a injector pipe on a modern day high pressure diesel without de-pressurising the system & it will squirt a jet of fuel right through your arm! :lol:

Guest j_mchattie

Its true, just like any company, there will be good areas and bad. Unfortunately i have only have bad experience with my local dealer, i should try a few more really. As for the GT3000, well - perhaps!, better look after the Mondeo for now!


I still have a stalling problem if anyone has any ideas (its in the technical forum),


Thanks for your help.




  • 1 year later...

Ford dealerships are not owned by Ford Motor Company.

However Ford are very interested in the customer views and would take action if there were serious complaints. Always complain in the first instance to the Dealer Principle, and if this doesn't get results, complain to Ford Motor Companys Customer Relationship Centre (address and telephone number can be found on the Ford website). I have found them extremely helpful.

I can't agree with the OP - my local dealership/garage has been very helpful when sorting out problem (ok they get paid for it) even for small problem which they don't always charge for!
  • 2 months later...
I found the Hendy Fords i used in Marchwood near Southampton to be very helpful in sorting my Mondeo out as the garage i bought it from were useless the only thing i didnt go for was the 6 or 7 point test they do and then say this is wrong and that is wrong putting most things in the red on the colour chart.

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