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welcome lastmanstanding from me


oh my this post has had me instiches 1st laugh ive had for a while so thanks for cheering me up



mary hope ya toe is on the mend my fella broke his little toe a few months ago he broke it racing my daughter to the bath....


He nearly ended up in casualty again the other day a bloody big kestral went for him because he was protecting my finch (hawkbait is his name)..i put him ouside in his cage and a kestral landed on it so my fella went ouside shooed off the kestral, grabbed the cage came back in the house turned round to shut the patio doors and there is this Kestral with its talons out coming straight for him

welcome lastmanstanding from me


oh my this post has had me instiches 1st laugh ive had for a while so thanks for cheering me up



mary hope ya toe is on the mend my fella broke his little toe a few months ago he broke it racing my daughter to the bath....


He nearly ended up in casualty again the other day a bloody big kestral went for him because he was protecting my finch (hawkbait is his name)..i put him ouside in his cage and a kestral landed on it so my fella went ouside shooed off the kestral, grabbed the cage came back in the house turned round to shut the patio doors and there is this Kestral with its talons out coming straight for him

why thank you for your welcome

i'm feeling almost chirpy today having got my bootlock sorted out

am waiting with bated breath for Bleeno to reply so that I can start a new topic and organise sales of tickets to the event of the new millennium

I have made a few quiet enquiries on ebay for bulk purchases of overalls for spectators in either green or brown but would accept khaki

hope to see yourself and all others that have enjoyed this thread there

confirmation of tv presence still awaited


for bleeno


come on now lad no need to be shy name the day

Believe me I have pulled allsorts in my life so far but never just a leg. :16:


Would you like the photo's of the cling film and toe?


At least your imaginations are making me laugh :16: and they say thats the best medicine so at this rate it should be all mended pretty soon. :D Even if the Dr says 6 weeks. :(


And thanks for the tip about the toilet seat I now will spend the easter hols going around all the public loos :lol:


It will give a new meaning to splash and dash :P So Beware


Sorry about your lunch, lastmanstanding, not :P (dont you have a shorter name we can use?)


Maz you are a marvel I never thought of using the film as a sling. Good on ya kiddo you have just saved my marriage :D


Well better get going making a frame now.


Mary :angry2:


well mary hope that this morning finds you bright eyed and bushy tailed

I just hope that your sling worked out perfectly and that your singing your favourite song

I have noticed that you said you would post pics

would it be possible to have pic of sling or line drawing as this might be a new invention and one never knows we might be on a little earner there

I'll be quiet happy to be in the front line there beside you as we do the marketing

just business of course

smile mary have a nice day

by the way did you get my comment on selected name u had for me ?

Has anyone tried bathing in Swarfega? ......... and I wonder if it's possible to fart and count the bubbles?


HI Bleeno

I just knew someone would start the degeneration

however not knowing the answer and never tried that sort of thing

we will make arrangements to come and watch you try it out

?is of course does the ass in the infinitesimal time after a fart

take a swift air intake you know the ying yang effect

now if that happens I see that you could be in for the greatest

enema of all time

and it might be a day when overalls are waranted by the spectators

i'll try to get the tickets made up later today could you give me details

of when and where you'd to do this we'll need at least till next sat

you never know bud you could be on tv with this one


Sorry about the degeneration of your welcome thread .......


I would willingly carry out said event but my worries are:


1. Would Swarfega continue be used as a handwash post event?


2. Who would sponsor such event? ...... who will pay for the overalls?


3. What is this Ying Yang effect? ....... this sounds extremely violent and will the haem ...... piles stand up to it?


4. Which TV channel would broadcast it? ....... Although a Civil servant and keen for the public to see what goes on in my bathroom, I would not wish for MTV to produce a series on what could be done with a bath of swarfega.


5. Glad you fixed the bootlock.


ah bleeno

so although your quite happy to take part i or someone else has to bear the brunt of the expense

I dint think that the swarfega would be of mercantile quality after the event

and although I was getting a reasonably good deal on the overalls they were lumi yellow and would really have had a bad camo effect on the outcome


so with this in mind i've stoped the print of tickets .told the tv the deal is off

and your chance of going down in history as the great green whoooooooooooosh

just drifted out the window


hoping that this news will not cause you any impairment in you adult life and that you wont be tempted to down the road of sod it all and be tempted to engage in such a dangerous stunt without your loyal fans to give you help support and a clean up with a firehose

sorry lad you'll just have to be content and realise that it really was a silly idea to begin with

all the best

and thanks for your help with the doorlocks


I will now post the pics of my toe and the cling film for you lastmanstanding since you seem to give the impression of non belief.










As to the photo of the "Cling Sling" well until the copy rights are safely in my hands then you'll just have to wait.


I am very disappointed to hear that Bleeno is not going to do his Swarfega thing anymore. I thought I could have tied in some toilet covering and advertised my "Cling Sling" at the same time........never mind. I am heading for Fife for my hols next weekend so will get a start on the loo's there first.


I did get your comment by the way and thought I might get sent off the forum if I had written what I really wanted. Wouldn't wish to offend and all that since I am a very considerate peapod.


Can I interest anyone in a roll of Industrial Cling film? It has a variety of uses........can split and sell by the metre..





Mary :unsure:

Posted (edited)

Mary, i am very sure that those amongst us who have a toe fetish will be very happy with your pic,, ( not me i hasten to add :unsure: )


you look like you got DINKY feet :lol: :lol:


GREGERS! you edit this post again im gonna spend all night editing yours! :lol:

Edited by mumof4

well Mary

at no point did I say that I didn't believe you

Like others on here just found it difficult to comprehend

but looking at the size of the roll (us normal peeps just buy small 15mtr ones)

its no wonder that you managed to break your toe with it

as for the pics well I'm sure that now that the evidence is plain for all to see

you will get much deserved sympathy from all and sundry

hoping that your toe heals well and quickly without further comment about it ...


as for a shorter name how about SNAFU which would seem to be just about right

for me wouldn't you think


soz that I never answered over the weekend but was doing my best to plan an

escape route out of fife before your holidays begin

all the best

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