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On weds i was on me travels and on the way home i was behind a police car..now going round roundabouts or turning, he never once indicated as to which way he was going to turn.I believed i was a reasonable distance behind him yet every now and then he would look in his rear view mirror and brake sharp.so i widened the gap between us as i really couldnt be arsed with some hot shot copper messing about.But when i widened the gap he closed it by slowing down till i was about a car and a half length between us.Now it ended up he went the same way as me, then he slowed right down then stopped at the side of the road..i carried on then the bugger just tailed me all the way to where i turn off to go into my street..then he buggered orff..why the heck would he do all this?..last time i got tailed i was stopped and bollocked but this time he just tried clawing his way into me boot then off he trotted....but what really got me...was his lack of useing his indicators...if we the ordinary bod on the road has to use em ( and ok some dont ) why the heck is it ok for a copper not to?
  mumof4 said:
...if we the ordinary bod on the road has to use em ( and ok some dont ) why the heck is it ok for a copper not to?

It's not OK. They should obey the rules of the road just like everyone else should. In fact, I would go as far as to say they should set an example to others.

If you can remember the reg. no. of the car it might be worth putting in a complaint. If they've done this to other drivers and they've complained something may result from it. Unfortunately though, you might just bring more trouble on yourself.

they could try, the way i see it..he wasnt driving as per rules of the road, i had done nothing wrong and kept distance between us..i felt like he was trying intimidate.
  mumof4 said:
..i carried on then the bugger just tailed me all the way to where i turn off to go into my street..then he buggered orff..why the heck would he do all this?..


There are 3 possible reasons for this.


1: He thought there was something wrong with your driving or vehicle and decided to take a closer look..


2: He thought the car may be stolen....although given the vehicle you would have had to be desperate.


3: he had poor eyesight and thought you looked smart....obviously when he got a closer look...

  big_kev said:
  mumof4 said:
..i carried on then the bugger just tailed me all the way to where i turn off to go into my street..then he buggered orff..why the heck would he do all this?..


There are 3 possible reasons for this.


1: He thought there was something wrong with your driving or vehicle and decided to take a closer look..


2: He thought the car may be stolen....although given the vehicle you would have had to be desperate.


3: he had poor eyesight and thought you looked smart....obviously when he got a closer look...


1: Nowt wrong with my baby and as far as i am aware i was doing nothing wrong, besides he was gabbing to the person next to him i assume.


2: I shall pretend you never said that :D


3: ... he ran for the hills :lol:

  insider said:
Go for it! If no-one complains then they'll continue to do it to others. No-one is perfect and sometimes need reminding of the right way to behave, police included.



ok will do..i am assumeing he was from the wee police station here in the village or the one in Horncastle.So i shall ring the one here first.


Thanks hun

if everyone thought its not worth the bother, then they will get away with it..why when im minding my own business pottering along home keeping to the speed limit do i have this numpty in front of me being an arse and then getting away with it..i am sure that if i had done it to him, not used my indicators then i would have been in trouble.so why the heck should he get away with it just because he is a policeman?.
He may have thought your driving was erratic and so he was checking you were on the ball. Frankly I don't think it is worth complaining as he did nothing legally wrong and you have no reliable or independant witnessess. I think BK is right you will draw down the wrath of the coppers for no result.

I understand what you are saying but Please believe me when i say just leave it.


I know someone who went down this road before and wished they hadnt bothered.


Just stick to calling him all the names under the sun, but not too loud.


Just a couple of days ago i watched as one put his lights and sirens on to get through a conjested roundabout in rush hour.


Once out the other side he turned them off again.


Not sure but didnt think they were allowed to do that.


They shouldnt be allowed to get away with it..just coz they are the police does not make them above the law that everyone has to abide by includeing them.Its not right that they can do this and get away with it.


I understand all that you are saying...but it shouldnt be like this, it shouldnt be that reporting a copper may mean retaliation in a way by the said copper, they should know that they did wrong.If it had been me driving the way he did , sure as hell he would have pulled me over.


Your right in everthing you say and no they are not above the law BUT they do have the law on their side and thats what make the difference.

Puy it down to experience hun and go get a stiff one. (Drink)

Most certainly if you have any issues with his driving, then this must be brought up with his/her supervisor, make a complaint at the help desk in person at your local police station, stating the facts you have, number plate and time it happened. All complaints made re police, have to be looked into, and believe me ! they are never welcomed by the officer. Some police driving standards are awful and certainly need improving, by means of further training and discipline etc. Don't leave it too long or it will be too late.
  mumof4 said:
They shouldnt be allowed to get away with it..just coz they are the police does not make them above the law that everyone has to abide by includeing them.Its not right that they can do this and get away with it.


I understand all that you are saying...but it shouldnt be like this, it shouldnt be that reporting a copper may mean retaliation in a way by the said copper, they should know that they did wrong.If it had been me driving the way he did , sure as hell he would have pulled me over.



You could always report him and give a false name and address....that way they will not be looking for you when it comes to revenge time.


You could use Adrians name and address ( I am sure you have his details being an Admin ). :lol:


nope..i dont have access to names and addresses :lol:


It just seems to me, that from all that has been posted, that i should leave it be..when i dont see why i should when he clearly wasnt driving properly..there was no reason for him to keep brakeing in front of me..there was plenty of room between us, it just seems so wrong that people feel they cant make a complaint for fear of reprisals or because the officers wont like it!.

  mumof4 said:
They shouldnt be allowed to get away with it..just coz they are the police does not make them above the law that everyone has to abide by includeing them.Its not right that they can do this and get away with it.


Unfortunately, some police officers do think they are the law, rather than merely the upholders of the law.


Only the other week I can remember having a discussion with OH about how people have been prosecuted for eating whilst driving, whilst smoking at the wheel seems to be acceptable - I know I'd sooner drop a curly wurly in my lap than a lit cigarette...


Then blow me, a police car goes past us the other way, the uniformed driver munching on a cob sandwich so big he could barely see over it... ;)

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