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As things start getting sorted out then i should be back to normal soon..so don't think that just coz i aint got a Galaxy anymore im not going to post as much absolute umm.............fantastic posts. :rolleyes:


Just like to say thanks for all the support ive recieved from you lot via pm/email.Mucho appreciated.Kids are fine..im doing ok and im missing a mouse!!..Houdini has made her great escape and is currently travelling around the house somewhere.


Thanks again everyone.






Cheeky buggers :rolleyes:


anyway, be pleased to hear that houdini has now been caught.....had to take the bath apart to get her though!..i've bodge taped the bars on her cage till i can get another tank for them....so if she trys to poke her nose thru the bars...she will lose a few whiskers! ;)

you cruel thing :rolleyes: no i know how you feel we had 2 escape about a yr ago we found one but not found the other so its most probably dead somewhere
but not to smart to get trapped behind bath........eh?lol
Shw wasn't trapped there, its where i finally cornered her! ... was having a nice long soak when all i could hear was scratching from under the bath, :lol:

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