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Went to Tesco's to fill up my wifes Diesel Galaxy and stuck unleaded in!!! I was at a 'pay at pump' and wanted to go into the shop anyway so having filled it to the brim I drove about 20 metres to a space and backed in.


Went to shop, came out and it wouldn't start. Felt sick as I realised immediately what I had done!


Imagine how I felt having to call my wife to tell her what I had done, I was, am still am, close to tears. :o


Anyway I have been delivered back home being and Sunday and garages are closed.


What should I do? Obviously it will need to be drained down but anyone know what are the likely long term consequences?


Why would it cut out immediately when I see some people drive for a while before realising? Is there a sensor or something that would cut it out?


Do you think I would be insured for any costs/damage? It is accidental damage after all and I can't see a wrong fuel exclusion on the policy.


It is a 04 TDi





Posted (edited)

Don't think there will be any significant damage. PD is not as delicate as CR


If you have any DIY carmechanic experience, I would drain off the tank, new fuel filter and some diesel and you should be away after a bit of cranking.


I think what happenned was, the fuel mixed while stood, and when you started the fuel pump circulated the fuel (there is a return line), hence no start - which is good (as it stops further damage)


If you go to a garage, be prepared for lots of sharp intakes of breath, and much shite talk about this needs changing and that needs changing, and

Edited by seatkid

Don't worry - as the other guys have said, I would be very surprised indeed if you have damaged the engine in any way.


Just follow the advice given, and the car will be fine. :o


Thanks for the optimism guys, I so hope you are right about not causing any damage.


Anyone know any trustworthy and reasonably priced garages in the South Herts/North London area?





i saw something similar to this on one of the motoring progs on t.v. (fifth gear i think ) they ran the car till it stopped ,drained out the duff juice .filled up with the correct fuel and started it up ,sure it ran rough until the engine got rid of any residual fuel in the system but it was fine after that ,only thing i can think of is that the cat might be contaminated
  familyman said:
only thing i can think of is that the cat might be contaminated

...it won't be. The catalytic converter on a diesel is a much simpler and robust thing than on a petrol engined car. In addition, the MOT emissions test for a diesel can not measure its effectiveness, so don't worry.

  Pal said:
Went to Tesco's to fill up my wifes Diesel Galaxy and stuck unleaded in!!!



You do realise that all the Girlie's on this forum have now printed this off and are laughing at you.


Please do not supply them with any more ammunition in their war against men.




p.s. Let us know how much it costs and if there was no damage.

WEll i aint laughing....i never put the wrong fuel in purely and simly because i had a sticker on the Gal saying in big capital letters DIESEL ONLY!....and i have one on the veccy saying UNLEADED ONLY!....though i have to admit to picking up the wrong nozzle thingy on more than one occasion when i went to put fuel in the Veccy! :o
You can do it your self. Park the car on a down hill slope and undo the fuel filter The petrol will run out.. Make sure you put something to collect it..Wait for it to stop dripping when its done fill back up with diesel and away you go..It will take a fair bit of cranking and make sure you keep topping the tank up for a while but all should be good
Posted (edited)
Phoned Shiela's Wheels this morning and whatever the extent of the damage, apparently it is covered. Just a Edited by Pal

Quote Big_Kev "You do realise that all the Girlie's on this forum have now printed this off and are laughing at you."


I know... wot a PLONKER!!!! I am more than happy to be the butt of the joke, I really do deserve it!


I will not try to make any excuses for my mistake. Funnily enough I had consecutive diesel Mondeos over a 10 year period whilst my wife always had petrol cars. Now I have a petrol Focus and she has a diesal Gal.


All I can say is thank heavens for insurance. I am truly humble.


Yours embarrassingly....



If you are looking for a small independent garage in South Herts try Far East products and services, they sorted out my Galaxy air con when Ford couldn't and my wifes car when the dodgy silicon Asda/Tesco petrol messed up the lambda sensor. 01923 839892
  mumof4 said:
  chromedome said:
You could use a Vectra as a bucket........................... :16:



Only 60 Litres please!!..Ill bring a funnell! :D



yeah save me some as well i always seem to be running empty


You know..i was thinking..if he drained it himself.....he could flog it on here at cut price!! :D


Or..we could just all roll up with our little petrol cans ..least hed make some of his money back :16:


cool idea maz




let us know when ur draining it pal , me and maz will be 1st in cue

  • 4 months later...

My kids always remind me when i go to fill up which coloured pump to use..the one and only time i picked up the black one, i got screams from inside the car.


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