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Hi Guys,


Just a quick question about your running temps.

I have a 2.3 auto 1997 82k, the temp gauge stays on the "N" of the normal. Whenever im in a long traffic jam on a hot day the needle goes to the "R".I think my fan kicks in but the gauge doesnt seem to go back down when staying stationary( gauge has never gone any higher). soon as i pull off and start moving the gauge starts to move back to the "N".


Now if i put the Aircon on in traffic, I can hear the fan kick in hard as revs drop and the temp stays at "N" all the time.


So is my rad fan working? or isnt it spinning fast enough? car was serviced in december full system flush etc!


Maybe Thermostate? fan switch?




I remember the 2.3 has some weird behaviour wrt the rad fan...

and I do remember it climbs quite high before the rad fan kicks in.

however I apologise as I have no idea why the guage doesnt drop in temp after the fan kicks in..

have you checked to see that it does indeed kick in ?

When the fan kicks in, the temp is probably maintained at the higher gauge position until the vehicle begins moving where the extra cooling effect of the airflow combined with the fans pulls the temp gauge back down to 'normal', the fans then shut down until needed again - only a theory B)
Mine sits at the O at normal running,,,,,when at lights etc, it can go up to the M, fans kick in and it will go between the O and R, start moving again and it goes back to the O

Thanks for reply's.. ill prob get the thermostate change as car is over 10 years old now.. plus check if the fan switch is working.


Is water pump powered by the cam chain? or aux belt?

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