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Johnny's back at school


The teacher asked, "Class use the word contagious in a sentence."

Molly put her hand up and said, My little sister has chickenpox and they are contagious.

The teacher said, "Very good Molly."

Sally raised her hand and said, "My little brother has the mumps and they are contagious".

The teacher said, "Very good Sally."

Little Johnny was jumping around in his seat, hand raise in the air, waving back and forth.

The teacher had been stung with Johnny's remarks before and was very reluctant to let him speak.

Unfortunately he was the only other child in the class with his hand up. So the teacher thought she better give him a chance.

"OK Johnny, give me a sentence with the word contagious in it"

Johnny was all excited that he was given a chance.

He said, "Teacher, my dad was sitting on the patio chairs with his friend drinking beer. My mom was cutting the lawn.

Dad said to his friend "It's going to take that contagious to cut the lawn.

:16: :16: :16: :16: :16: :16: :) :P :16: :16:
Nice one! Mind the children don't see.

Why do Glaxays have heated rear windscreens?

Keep your hands warm when you push them.


What do you call a Galaxy with a twin exhaust?

A wheelbarrow!


What do you call a mechanic working on a Ford galaxy and paid by the hour?



How do you double the value of a five year old Galaxy.

Fill the tank!!!




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