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I'm not a happy bunny.Happily driving along when i get whacked by an oncoming vehicle.Drivers wing mirror is damaged.The glass is smashed and the whole thing is loose.I have ordered a new glass from Fords at a cost of

Gutted! By brother in law had the same sort of thing last year but his mirror smashed back through his window as well.



i know the price i paid was steep, but id proberbly spend that in diesel looking for a Halfords round here and i need it quick as i cant use the wing mirrow to check behind me or reversing as it is pointed towards the floor and wont move up.Will post a pic later if i can get my camera to work...the force of the impact knocked the glass out of its housing and it was dangling by the two wires behind it, i clipped it back in best i could, but i cant just stick a new piece of glass over the top of the broken one as it really is smashed.
I didnt feel lucky, im just thankful that no more damage was done,he could have hit me front on.with a canal on my left i couldnt swerve any more than i did otherwise i would have been in the canal with a totally written off car.
ouch, starts to make you think, my mums was driving down the m62 last week when a 4ft piece 2x2 fell off a lorry bounced up and embedded it self about 2ft into her radiator. Motorway maintence people were just going to leave it on the motorway afterwards as well she had to climb down the embankment to throw it off the motorway.

Done.Just a couple of points to make when changing the glass.I found the trickiest bit was getting the caseing off being careful not to break or crack it (there are no screws holding it on its all clips so be carefull not to break them.).I eased it carefully with a flat screwdriver.


When you have the caseing off, there are 4 screws, you dont have to take these out but i did to give myself a bit more room to push the old glass off through the back of the housing.


You have to take the two wires off and reconnect them to the new glass.There is no need to take the whole housing off if just replaceing the glass.


Then just carefully clip the new mirror back on and reassemble!!.took me less than 10 mins from start to finish and most of that was getting the outer back caseing off.


Now, ive found that i do still have a problem, the new mirror will move in all directions, but it wont move down as far as the other one.....i.e. i can get the passenger one to look at the floor whereas the drivers side one wont.Not a major problem, but just one for the future to have a gander at, Also the whole thing still moves more than it should if you waggle it.


The glass itself has the heating elements on it.I'm glad i paid more for a proper one rather than just stuck a sticky one on it.


Job done!


Thanks for all the help peeps.


It's possible the motor thingy wasn't centred when you put it back together, so you may find it goes a lot further up than the passengermirror but not as far down, possibly...


I had an altercation with a BMW X5 on a country lane, I had to snap my cover back onto my mirror, they had to pick the pieces of theirs up from the road. That'll teach to come onto my side of the road like a big bully.

Didnt realise i had to center it.oh well..it works which is main thing, if i get chance will have a gander over the weekend.Thanks for that info.
I'm not a happy bunny.Happily driving along when i get whacked by an oncoming vehicle.Drivers wing mirror is damaged.The glass is smashed and the whole thing is loose.I have ordered a new glass from Fords at a cost of
Hi moggy, the old glass was shattered and was electric and heated.If id have put new on top of old it wouldnt have stayed put for very long nor would it be heated.Least this way by spending 20 quid i know it works as it should do.plus im impatient and wanted it as soon as and i dont know the area that well having just moved here.
Hi moggy, the old glass was shattered and was electric and heated.If id have put new on top of old it wouldnt have stayed put for very long nor would it be heated.Least this way by spending 20 quid i know it works as it should do.plus im impatient and wanted it as soon as and i dont know the area that well having just moved here.

Hi mumof4, ah! didn't realise it was heated mine isn't that posh :) might be handy info for someone else though.

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