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anyway couple of questions


what is the best cable to by to use with vag - com ? can anyone suggest a decent supplier i'd prefer a seriel port one to a usb if possible but i'll use usb if i absolutly have to.


climate controls flash on star up of the gal but everything seems to work fine aux heater fires and runs, air con seems cold is this a ford/vagcom only reset or can it be done without plugging the gal in ?

  whitty said:
hi there i'm a newbee with a couple of galaxy questions but it say's i am not aloud to post new topic in this section when i try to use galaxy technical anyone know why?


this may help answer


well that answers that thank's !


and after a forum search im not the only one with the dreaded climate control faults! and it does look like i'll be needing the vag com software sooner rather than later!


question still stands about the cable's though can anyone recomend a good (hassle free ish!) seriel port cable alot of you seem to be getting them from e-bay but i hate e-bay for stuff like this you get no tech back up and usually have to wait a small age cos they come from east asia somewhere !


so if anyone can recomend a good uk dealer or failing that if there is anyone in the king's lynn norfolk area want's to earn a drink by plugginy my gal in let me know !!



many thanks





Kings Lynn...gawd....been there wen i got lost.. oh the memories...sorry..i digress..:)


Flashing climate control....mine flashes on start up and has done for a good while now...prob just needs a regassing same as mine.


As for vag-com leads..quite a few peeps on here have got them off ebay and from uk sellers i believe....


I was on the wrong side of the country though!!Ended up at terminal 2 before i got back on track..


Anyway...Does the flashing last for about 10seconds then stop and it works fine after?


pic's of the galaxy on there way once it is properly clean ! car traders theese day's do an awful job !


but i thought i'd post a pic of the other car





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