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does any one know what the dda of 1991 is ? :P

a nasty bloke last night did not til i re educated him :P

do you think it is adiquate and is enough put on owners and the resposabilitys of them.


IIRC it was thought to be hastily put together after newspaper reports about pit bulls, J tosa attacking - difficult to police due to genetics involved - sensible owners end up being tarred by the same brush as agressive louts :P


ps not a dog keeper here


dangerous dog act

4 dog breeds banned if so and the average life span is about 6-8 years for the banned dog breeds why have we still got them here.

also a galaxy driven and controlled by some that is drunk(therefore stupid) kills some one do ban all mpv's as dangerous

no we enprison or fine that said person so why do we punish the dog

yes the dog attacked some one find out why but if the attack was no more than a bite fine but if it was a prelong and butual attack like the three rotties earier this week then no question that dog (if not a guard dog doing its job ) should be distroyed hard to say and do but it is the correct thing

also the owner should be resposable for that dog

so instead of irrashnable thinking why are dogs not regestered and licenced

rant over


if punishments for owners was more draconican then they may be more responsible and the attraction of keeping such breeds may be less. For the record the other breeds involved were Dogo Argentino and Fila Braziliero (along with Japanese tosa) the governments aim was to have a country free of these breeds and as Steve says why have we still got them??



While we are on the subject - what really P*sses me off is the attitude of some owners when dogs are in parks etc - big lolloping animal runs up to kids - trying to make instantaneous judgement is difficult owner then rolls up 'oh he loves children' when we mention that we didn't know they look offended as i8f we should have been telepathic and known it ??? That and owners that do not clear up dog poo!!

steve i agree that there should still be a licence for dogs ASLONG IT IS KEPT to a resonable ammount,and maybe include some form of public liability insurance,you hear quite often of dogs being mauled by other bigger dogs because the idiot owners have let them off of the lead and have no control over them.and also to cover attacks on people,but lets face facts sometimes you hear or read that children have been left with a dog by itself and the dog has attacked the child straight away you feel extremely sorry for the child but you also have to think what has the child done to make the dog attack the only thing a dog has is to use its teeth.
nik i agree about the dog mess,i allways take plastic bags with me when i exercise my dog,we rescued her about 9 years ago(white g.s.d)who is very protective towards my 3 boys but i CANNOT AND WILL NOT 100% TRUST HER.

now im casting my mind a few years.....being in married quarters we have to apply for permission to have a pooch/cat.....now all these dogs and cats have a numbered tag on them so if caught roaming they can be quickly traced to the owner..you can also be evicted if your pet causes a disturbance or is aggressive.


I believe all dogs should be registered..and i am a dog owner.


Owners should be responsible for their pets...


Our last dog turned agreesive after she had a virus that affected her brain...we did the only thing we could do and that was to have her put down, it was heart breaking as we know that it wasnt her nature to do what she did, but the safety of our kids and evryone elses was paramount.


WE have had our pooch chipped aswell.


Banned breeds should be that..banned, but you will always get peeps having them and they only come to light when something happens to put them in the spotlight.As who will go round checking dogs all the time?to make sure that they are not of a banned breed?


To me, it is not the dogs fault if it is aggressive, it is bad ownership, though you do get dogs who will gradually turn aggressive, this could be because of a medical condition or the way they are treated.


It is in a dogs nature to be aggressive, but we have tried to tame them..when a dog shows its aggressive side, then it brings home exactly what their nature should be.


Im not sure as to what incident this week concerning the three rotties you are referring to as i dont watch telly very much.

if punishments for owners was more draconican then they may be more responsible and the attraction of keeping such breeds may be less. For the record the other breeds involved were Dogo Argentino and Fila Braziliero (along with Japanese tosa) the governments aim was to have a country free of these breeds and as Steve says why have we still got them??



While we are on the subject - what really P*sses me off is the attitude of some owners when dogs are in parks etc - big lolloping animal runs up to kids - trying to make instantaneous judgement is difficult owner then rolls up 'oh he loves children' when we mention that we didn't know they look offended as i8f we should have been telepathic and known it ??? That and owners that do not clear up dog poo!!



Blimey..3 replies in the time it took me to write my own!...



One thing i do not do is let my dog off the lead..never.And one thing i have taught my kids, is that if you see a dog and it is running towards you, do not move.and i have also taught them never to assume that every dog you see is friendly.


If i am out with my dog and another runs up then i stand still.my dog is very protective of me and does not like it when another runs up.....there are retractable leads that you can buy..these should be used.The owners soon run up to grab their dog and clip it on a lead.Now my pooch isnt big...about the size of a collie dog and is soft as muck and he has been taught from a pup to take things gently and he is very gentle with the kids, but once a dog has had enough, hes had enough and will soon let you know.in two yrs, mine has never nipped, bit or shown aggression to my kids or any other kids, but i still would not trust him in a room on his own with kids..its called supervision. and anyone with a dog and young kids, will know what i mean.


agree on dog poo but what winds me up is no poo boxes or owners that pick it up and then when they think no one is looking throw it in a hedge :P

but all dogs should be chipped and tattoo'd in the ear as new borns or first visit to vets

and if you have a dog then you are as resposible for that family member as you are your kids

i have two kids and two dogs and yes i am as guilty as the next of not thinking when it comes to thinking that some people are scared of dogs but i try to reassure them that even tho' they are massive they are fine :P

but yes all dogs are in primive form hunters and that should not be forgoten but said that most are also the most loyal of any animal

just dont trust them to guard your dinner while you nip of for a wizz :P


just dont trust them to guard your dinner while you nip of for a wizz


too right there,mines a bloody hoover :P

my two are like dysons they dont lose suction :wub:



:16: new breed


originally bred in this country - now reproduce abroad :16: :16:

my two are like dysons they dont lose suction :wub:



:16: new breed


originally bred in this country - now reproduce abroad :16: :16:



Oh hallowed Mod......post-3737-1169063320.gifpost-3737-1169063359.gif


not at all


dda = dirty dometsic appliance :wub: :16: :16:


admin 0 mod 2 :16: :o


:lol: :lol: :lol: i havent watched to much of it(big brother)but i think the producers are out to totally crush jade,lets face it they can edit it how they see fit.


i also think that remark stevie boy is demeening to dogs :wub:

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