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Hello, What a great forum, so much talent out there!


Anyway, when the engine starts to get hot, arount the "M" of NORM, (usually gets this hot if sitting in traffic) the engine starts to sputter and if I don't put it in neutral and coax some revs it stalls. When I get it restarted, it's like there was a vaccum block or something blocking the engine's power, the revs pick up and we're off again. If the temp is below this level, I have 0 problems with engine function. Starts and runs well once warmed up. (will stall if not wamed up for about a minute)


It's got 70,000 KM, fuel pressure is fine, air filter is fine.



Cat Converter blocked (evident especially when hot)

Air flow meter not adjusting to hotter temp



'98 Galaxy 2.3 16V


ISV - Idle speed control valve - a bit gummed up or not working (on the inlet manifold I think)
ISV sounds likely, but how does it drive otherwise? I would have thought that a blocked cat' would strongly affect performance and economy. MAF problems are unusual on the 2.3 and I wouldn't expect it to cause such problems.

ISV sounds likely, but how does it drive otherwise? I would have thought that a blocked cat' would strongly affect performance and economy. MAF problems are unusual on the 2.3 and I wouldn't expect it to cause such problems.

Thanks for your reply!


Since I do 99% city driving, I don't pay much attention to fuel econ. However, there does seem to be an overall reduction in power when the engine is hot (leading up to the problem I wrote about originally). It runs the smoothest and strongest when it's on the cool side of the normal range. I would be very happy if it wasn't the cat ($$$).


I'll do a site search on the ISV


What level on the guage does your 2.3 usually run?


From a cold start the car takes about 3 miles on country lanes to reach the exact mid point of the gauge where stays regardless.


Perhaps you have thermostat problems ?


From a cold start the car takes about 3 miles on country lanes to reach the exact mid point of the gauge where stays regardless.


Perhaps you have thermostat problems ?

Good question. This summer I poked my head under the hood and the fans came on only when the temp was on the high side of NORM. Seemed to be a little late to me.


Does the thermostat sensor also control the fans?

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