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I have a p reg 1997 seat alhambra tdi,i just wondered wat the pulling power should be like on one of these?i no they are heavy cars but mine just seems as though it has got all the power it should have?it pulls but to me does not do wat it should,i dissconected the maf and turbo did not cut in at all so this means that the maf is working am i correct?any help would be much appreciated?all i can notice is that there is a pipe on the air box with no clip on it?and there is a vacum pipe connected to a round shiny thingy?well this is soft as where the other part is hard could it be kinking the pipe?
  onslow said:

I have a p reg 1997 seat alhambra tdi,i just wondered wat the pulling power should be like on one of these?i no they are heavy cars but mine just seems as though it has got all the power it should have?it pulls but to me does not do wat it should,i dissconected the maf and turbo did not cut in at all so this means that the maf is working am i correct?any help would be much appreciated?all i can notice is that there is a pipe on the air box with no clip on it?and there is a vacum pipe connected to a round shiny thingy?well this is soft as where the other part is hard could it be kinking the pipe?


change the vac pipe , in fact change all the vac pipes at that age , when did it last have a service ?

Find somewhere where you can time a 0-60mph run. If it can do it in under 20 secs, your engine/turbo/MAF is OK.

That was assuming a basic 90bhp unit. For 110bhp/115bhp units make that around 18 secs.


I'm basing this on my experience when the MAF goes, the 0-60 time goes out to almost 30 secs. Similar story for turbo/vacuum related problems I'm guessing....


You mind what you say. I've got a NEW MAF!


Do the Aston's acceleration figures include an allowance for reliability?


At least I know with some certainty that in 20 seconds or so I can actually be moving and I can enjoy the scenery while I'm waiting.


:( :) :)

  seatkid said:

Find somewhere where you can time a 0-60mph run. If it can do it in under 20 secs, your engine/turbo/MAF is OK.


Thanks ill try that out let you all know what the result is


I gave up looking for a flat straight bit of road and settled for about 5% uphill bendy bit.


It reached 50 in 10 secs and 60 in 15.


That was with about 2 1/2 adults weight and changing up at 3.5 to 4000 RPM.


I then thought that it would be more useful to do a 50 to 70 check in 5th.


Again, about 5% uphill, possibly a little more, but repeated in the opposite direction.


Uphill - about 11 seconds and downhill about 9.


The downhill bit was a little distorted because, to hold 50, I started with virtually no throttle and there was the better part of 2 seconds turbo lag.


Considering that this is a much abused 110 bhp unit with 180K on the clock and hasn't been serviced in 40k other than 2 oil changes (Must do another soon!) and returning a regular 45mpg, I'm more than happy.

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