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Hi all


New to the forum - I had a recent vandle attack on my car where they ran a hacksaw blade down the gap between the front passeger door and the wing in an attempt to "POP" the central locking. Fortunatly they failed but they have left me a job worse than perfoming open heart surgary


I am now 50% way through the fix - see below - but I stumbled becuse there are two cables coloured Black with Yellow stripe.


Anyone know if it matters which way round these are wired (probably will - knowing my luck door will unlock just as every other door locks - or the wing mirrors will move every time I turn up the volume on the speakers!!!



Guest HairyPlateEater

Hi ... what year and type is your car? usually best putting your car details in your signature to save you remembering with each post :lol:


Removal of the door card would reveal where each wire terminated, but hopefully someone will have the answer at hand!


Hi ... what year and type is your car? usually best putting your car details in your signature to save you remembering with each post :lol:


Removal of the door card would reveal where each wire terminated, but hopefully someone will have the answer at hand!


The vehical is a 2.3 Zetec auto on a Y plate


and I was hoping not to have to disect the door to find this out


UPDATE: just reattached the door - everything works except move the mirror up/down unlocks the door locks - so just two wires wrong probably (bother !!!!)

Black/Yellow cables are earth (0v or ground) cables, it doesnt matter which is connected to which.

Black/Yellow cables are earth (0v or ground) cables, it doesnt matter which is connected to which.



Thanks - we have discovered that the black red do mind - once is central locking and one is door mirror


adjust down you mirror and the door locks - all fixed now -


but as per my other post now cannot reconnect the door strap thingy because it will not reach - do hope I do not have to remove door card



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