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Hesitation / Jolting / Jerking At Low Rpm's?

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Hi everyone,


Our 1997 Galaxy has just recently developed a problem where the engine stumbles and hesitates at low revs.

The revs drop by 100 - 200 rpm suddenly when trying to accelerate and then quickly picks up again.


The car drives fine(ish) as long as revs above 2000rpm are maintained, I say fine(ish) as its getting progressively worse.


Driving in first or second gear with revs lower than 2000rpm causes the car to stumble and jerk voilently.


I've done a search and its come up with a few suggestions, namely.


Lamda 02 Sensor

HT Leads

Spark Plugs


I first thought Fuel Filter, or maybe Coil Packs.


So yesterday it went in for it's 100,000 mile service and after that I was hoping maybe it would cure it.

I mean, they changed Filters, Plugs etc and lots of other bits for

  anadin said:

poss vacuum leak or throttle position sensor, whats it like just at idle ?



Idle seems to be ok, maybe drops off but returns to normal rev's!

Then again, something else to check :unsure:

  BagPuss said:
  anadin said:

poss vacuum leak or throttle position sensor, whats it like just at idle ?



Idle seems to be ok, maybe drops off but returns to normal rev's!

Then again, something else to check :unsure:


i'd check the vac pipes, then get it on a diag, had a similar prob with a vaux vectra, turned out to be camshaft pos sensor :( good luck

  BagPuss said:
  anadin said:

poss vacuum leak or throttle position sensor, whats it like just at idle ?



Idle seems to be ok, maybe drops off but returns to normal rev's!

Then again, something else to check :unsure:



I had a similar problem on my old v6 gal. i took it down to busseys and had the ht leads check out apparently one was breaking down causing the stutter. replaced the lot redexed it and it cured the problem.



Andy B

check the breather pipes to the right of the maf, there is one that comes out the head and goes into the inlet and one that comes out of the inlet and goes to a valve behind the maf, these both caused me similar problems, other than that i would say vac pipes.

Cheers all,

Plenty for me to check out later.

Unfortunately I'm not getting home till 19:45 so wont get around to it till next Monday ;)


At least I'll get it on the DigiMoto Software and see what that brings up.


Will post up what I find.

  bigdaddy said:

Sounds similiar to the problem I had on 2.3 and I changed the lambda sensor for the emissions for the mot and it made the engine 100 times better


p.s Ford call it an HEGO sensor




Hmmm, well just hoping the software will tell me something at least.

Would be nice to get a fault code that instantly tells me what it is.


But doubt I'm that lucky ;)


Update Time


Well this morning started off pretty much the same, sounded like a VW Camper Van, didn't seem like it was running on all 4 etc.


Anyway, plugged in DigiMoto software and brought up a few interesting things.


(Problem 1)

Main thing that came up was

P1414 Secondary Air Injection Monitor Circuit High Input (Always had this)



(Problem 2)

P1406 Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR) Position Sensor Performance (This is the new one)



(Problem 3)

Also the Lambda Sensor on a scale of 0-1v was always towards the 0.8v, indicating it was 'Rich' fuelling, Although it was still very responsive, i.e. soon as I let take my foot off the throttle its drops to 0v.

So appears to be working...i.e not lazy although a little high.



(Problem 4)

On the software is wasn't showing my 'Throttle Postition'?

It was always at 0%?



Our journey is about 26miles (45mins) so after about 1/3 of the journey it ran very well as though there wasn't any problems at all?

Compared to the first part where it was stuttery, hesitating etc.


So I'm guessing this is only like it until its at normal running temperature.

Only when cold is it undrivable.


Any help guys & gals would be a great help, or is it something i'll have to bung into Frauds to sort out?


I had something like this it turned out to be a breather pipe at the back of the engine took a while to find as its quite dark


the pipe was coming lose over a 3 week period then one day it was the same as you decribe


but once fitted back on the put a cable tie round it and touch wood been ok since



Gonna go out at lunch time and have a nose about,

See if any of the hoses are loose etc.


It's the only time I get at the moment, not leaving work till 7pm and starting off at 6am, so always dark :angry:

  anadin said:

vac pipe split to egr valve , betcha


Ok it's looking like a few have suggested this problem,


Next thing, where abouts is it as I don't have the software on this Laptop so can't consult MicroCat etc.




Sorry guys i know.

  BagPuss said:
  anadin said:

vac pipe split to egr valve , betcha


Ok it's looking like a few have suggested this problem,


Next thing, where abouts is it as I don't have the software on this Laptop so can't consult MicroCat etc.




Sorry guys i know.


bulkhead panel off should be near back right of engine, think

  anadin said:

bulkhead panel off should be near back right of engine, think


So other side of the Battery compartment then?


It sounds to me more a mixture problem than an ignition problem. If it is mixture it will be a weak mixture thats causing it, that said, splits in pipes are a prime candidate. Is it worse when the engine is cold ? You could double check engine temps and sensors.


Regards - J

  johnb80 said:

It sounds to me more a mixture problem than an ignition problem. If it is mixture it will be a weak mixture thats causing it, that said, splits in pipes are a prime candidate. Is it worse when the engine is cold ? You could double check engine temps and sensors.


Regards - J


Hi John,


Yes worse when cold, pretty undrivable, then when warm just about ok, bar a few little spots.


John go back one page and a few posts to this morning.

I posted my findings from the sensors on DigiMoto Software (Like VAGCom).


So maybe help explain a few thing.


Well, had a bit of a late lunch.


So just got back in and sorry to say I couldn't see any hoses that were looking like they needed replacing.


Although to be honest I wasn't entirely sure where I should be looking , but I did look at all the Vac hoses etc and they seem all ok.


I'm gonna have to install my CD's tonight and look then, unless any of you could access that and post an image up.


Cheers all.


Just one other quick thought, try clamping off the vac hoses in turn, especially the one to the brake servo (don't drive it like this though) and see if there's any change in the engine note. All what you have said is classic weak mixture. Make sure that on the engine side of the MAF no air can get in via bad connections / split hoses.


Regards - J

  anadin said:

Only when cold is it undrivable.



i'm not surprised with all that I.C.E :o


can you erase the old faults with your digimoto, or reset the ecu, battery off 30 mins ?

:o :lol:


Yes we cleared the fault codes on arrival at work, but I'm sure they'll both return.

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