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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by kirk

  1. Got a trip to France in 3 weeks time - and I
  2. Some years ago we lived in a small village close to the river Medway. The large open front gardens attracted the local duck population. A large number of duck families nested in the gardens along the road. Very cute - Mummy duck & row of ducklings walling down the road back to the river . Great for traffic calming. However earlier in the season the ducks need to make baby ducks. If you have ever seen ducks matting you will know it a violent affair. Several drakes chasing a single female and holding her down in amorous frenzy. Lots of noise and flying feathers. A scene that upset my neighbours 5 year old little daughter. She run to her mother shouting that the ducks were fighting and pulling feathers out of one small duck! Well mummy took a deep breath and began the first
  3. Thanks for the input - Will be checking the Thermostat ASAP As a Final check before I wade in. Is it true that if I start from cold the Radiator will warm quickly if the Thermostat is perm open. Sounds like a good theory - does it work in practice ? Any views
  4. Ah Well ! From French Trek to Star Trek - But I appreciate the support guys At least with 7 of us in on trip, we can kept a look out for knife wielding scam merchants. But thinking of jkspoff's advise concerning A/C in the hot Fench weather - A/C Not fitted to mine. :( Guess its the dash mounted fan for us. :o
  5. Ok done the FAQ and Tech section search and can
  6. Well the trip is just 5 weeks away and the whole family (7) is looking forward to getting out of the rain. But what about my old Gal -
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