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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by SimonD

  1. Hi there, Sorry for hijacking an old thread but it seemed vaguely relevant to my question. I've got a 54 plate 1.9 TD Automatic Galaxy which has been an excellent car over the last 18 months. Tonight the car was driven on a 16 mile round trip. When we got the car home, there was a strong burning smell coming from the car. A little investigation showed that all four wheel trims were very hot, suggesting that the brakes were binding on all four wheels. Any ideas what the cause of this might be, and what it is likely to cost to sort it out. The faulty calliper problem experienced by others would presumably only apply to a single wheel? Very many thanks, Simon
  2. Yep - all of them and some more. Thanks for the welcome. I live in Welwyn Garden City but I work in central London. Cheers, Simon
  3. That's really helpful! Many thanks for pointing me in the right direction. As I said elsewhere, I will take the time to browse the forums in more detail now that I think I know where I'm heading with the immediate problem. Cheers, Simon
  4. Neil, Thanks for the quick reply. I'm not very mechanically minded and have no idea of what a MAF is, or how I remove its plug;-) Is there a glossary of technical abbreviations on this site? However, I am reassured that it sounds a lot simpler than "you need a new turbo" or "you need a new gear box"! Cheers, Simon
  5. I'm used to it! I can trot out all the usual excuses - no money, not environmentally friendly, no money, the politicians don't want that one, no money, we're going to build bus lanes instead, no money... you get the picture. :lol: Simon
  6. Hi there, Just found this forum when looking for help because of a problem with my Ford Galaxy - hope you guys can help! My name is Simon Davies, and I have to admit that I spend more time worrying about the stuff we drive on rather than what we drive in - that is because I am a highway engineer by profession. I spend my day job dealing with roads and transport, generally in London, but also elsewhere. By means of a change, in my leisure time I try to get out into the countryside to explore the more scenic roads that this country has to offer. You can see the fruit of some of my more recent trips at www.rural-roads.co.uk which I update on an increasingly irregular basis. Anyway, I look forward to exploring this site in more detail soon. Cheers, Simon
  7. Cheers. I have been a moderator on a large forum and know how annoying it can be when certain old chestnuts keep reappearing ;-) To give an update on my car. I have just been outside to try it again, and it now appears to be working normally. I assume that it must have gone into some kind of limp home mode before, and I will still take it to the garage on Monday, so I'd still be grateful if anyone can suggest what the problem might be, and whether I still have anything to worry about. Cheers, Simon
  8. Hi, First of all - an apology. I did try to use the search function but couldn't find what I am looking for - possibly because I don't really know how best to describe my problem. I have a 2.5 year old Galaxy 1.9TD Zetec with a five speed Auto that has the balance of the manufacturer's warranty on it. I've owned the car for around 3 months and have done about 2,500 miles in it, it has done a total of around 41,000 miles. I've driven around 30 miles in it today, mostly on country lanes, but a bit of urban driving as well. There has been a fair bit of starting and stopping. The last leg of my journey involved a short hop between junctions 5 and 6 on the A1(M), which is eesentially a mile climbing up a fairly steep hill (for a motorway, that is), then about another mile going down the other side. As I pulled onto the slip road and put my foot down, there was a loss of power. The car gradually climbed up the hill, but instead of joining the motorway at 70mph, I was struggling to get over 40mph. Once I got to the top of the hill, gravity helped, and I got the car up to 70mph on the down hill section, but I still didn't have any power to speak of. I tried kicking down, but that made no difference. Anyone got any ideas as to what the problem might be. It'll be going to the Ford dealer first thing Monday, but I'd like to know what I'm dealing with before then if possible. Hopefully, I can then ask the right questions. Many thanks, Simon
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