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    galaxy 2.3 manual 2002

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  1. Hi Can anyone out there help with the location and type of oil filter the Mk3 1.8TD man 57 plate Gal (paper or cannister),can it be changed with car up on a pair of ramps. Also, do you need a sump plug 'key' or will a normal socket do the job.From past experience, ford seem to make things as difficult as possible for the humble d.i.y.er Thanks, Phil
  2. Anybody know if you can still buy the rubber blade 're fills' for a galaxy :unsure:
  3. Sounds similar to my 'erratic fuel gauge' problem, (sorry don't know how to do the link) :D Water getting on to the connection at the back of dash causing corrosion/ bad connection.No problem in dry weather,but driving in heavy rain causes problem to re appear for a while. I'm sure some kind soul will tell you how to take the instrument pod out to check the connections.
  4. Anybody out there know if you can replace the rubber blades (the ones in contact with the screen) on the bendy wiper arms.I've tried to slide the old ones out of the arms and failed.It looks like its possible, if you know the trick. :( It's got to cheaper than replacing the whole bendy bit :lol: cheers, Phil
  5. Thanks to everyone who gave their help and advice. After trying everything and spraying the entire car with WD40 I decided to take it to a ford workshop. :blink: They spoke to Ford Technical then VW and tracked the problem down to a corroded connection at the back of the instrument pod.This was caused apparently by water getting on the connector (wires running from the wiring loom to the pod) I got the impression that it was a problem and that VW knew about it and Ford didn't.(VW connector part) Ford cleaned up the connection and everythings been ok since. :D Anybody with instrument gauge or warning light problems it may pay you to check the rear of the pod (streering wheel off, Pod out). See other threads on how to do it. Regards, Phil.
  6. Anybody out there know how to activate the daytime running lights. It looks like the galaxy is already set up for these to operate but the system has been disabled, the handbook shows a fuse for them (number 58 i think) Any ideas Cheers Phil
  7. Hi, When looking into the central fuse box under the light switch on the dash. I can see fuses 1 to 62 which are described in the handbook as on level one. But i can't find the relays(1 to 27) shown as level 2 or the maxi fuses shown as level 3. :D Anybody help cheers Phil ( Still trying to sort out my erratic speedo ,fuel gauge and now mpg computer reading problem on earlier post )
  8. Spanner 137, Can you tell me the location of the three earth connections mentioned in you post on Aug 15. I think the main engine earth strap runs in between the compartment behind the rear of the drivers side light and the bottom of the air filter housing. I can't see or feel any connections though. (black plastic coated flat lead approx 1/4 inch wide) But then again i might be totally barking up the wrong tree. :lol: As people keep telling me ' It's your own fault, you should'nt have bought a F ix Or R epair D aily!'............................................................. :o Phil
  9. Mark, It was in under warranty about 7 months ago, but the problem was/is intermittant and sorted itself out the day before it went in. I was told that any fault would show up on the diagnostic test that they do, but it did'nt. It's been ok since, but the heavy rain in august has kicked it all off again. Yes, it is out of warranty, unfortunately. Phil
  10. Spanner137 search under Dash problems,............ may be identical to your problem. Is the the MAIN ENGINE EARTH STRAP the same on the galaxy, Does anybody know where it is or how to find it. cheers phil
  11. When driving in heavy rain,the speedo reading bobs up and down then stops at zero.The fuel gauge reading does the same but does'nt totally die. The engine warning light comes on then goes off after a couple of days/ engine starts. If i switch the lights on the readings return to normal. The problem eventually goes away when the weather is dry/warm for a couple of days. I think the cause of this problem is either water getting on the electrics/ wiring under the grill at the bottom of the windscreen or as read on another thread(gazza 9743) ,the main engine earth strap I plan to take the wiper grill off and have a look and clean out. I think the grill comes off by undoing the wiper blade nuts only. I will check the main engine earth strap and any other relevant earth connections if someone will be kind enough to tell me where they are. I recently heavily sprayed the front of the car with a hosepipe and the problem showed again. The engine compartment appears dry, the only connection that could get wet is the one at the rear of the front drivers side headlamp which looks like it is in an air intake channel from the front grill.I have sprayed most connections i can see with WD40 but with no result. Any help and advice will be welcome, cheers, Phil. (2002, galaxy, ghia, 2.3 petrol, manual.)
  12. Thanks for the replies seatkid and buncers, :blink: seatkid, Is a module communications problem fixable and what is a TIS ( I'm not taking it, honest.) Buncers, funny you should mention the rain as these problems started after a long motorway journey in constant heavy rain. Any idea where the earth wire/connection is/are for the equipment affected. My father in law thinks its moisture on the fuses or relays. I've checked and they look dry. cheers
  13. Hi, Can anybody help me with the following problem. About 2 months ago the speedo started to intermitantly stop working, the refuel warning light and bleep now come on and off and the petrol gauge drops to show empty even though there's plenty of petrol in the tank. After about 10/20 seconds the petrol gauge returns to it's correct reading, but the speedo stays on zero. The speedo starts working again if the headlights are switched on and returns to zero again if switched off.(no Volvo jokes please) Also, the engine has cut out 3/4 times and the engine warning light comes on. The engine always starts first time when this happens and the warning light goes out after a few journeys. Last of all, the sound from the cd player is poor and up and down again this stops if the headlights are switched on. All these problems are all intermitant. My car was looked at by Ford, but they could not find the problem and nothing showed up on their computer. Anybody suffering with similar problems outhere or any ideas on how to rectify.(02,petrol, 2.3 ghia, manual) cheers, Phil
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