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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by BadHair

  1. Can I just say that this whole thread has made me a very happy woman? Having spent 15 minutes out in the street reprogramming the central locking (using instructions found on here ages ago) I broke my one and only key in 2 in the lock. Had a further 15 minutes of frantically trying to make the car start then found this - so scoured the pavement, found the transponder, replaced it and hey presto - car sprang into life. This site is truly a wonderful place!!! Thanks. :16: :P :D :D
  2. Thanks for all replies. Just in case anyone finds this when searching and has the same problem - I have to admit that I left it in the garage's hands, having no option as I couldn't get the thing home. It was indeed a gearbox cable, or rather, two gearbox cables, and it set me back
  3. Hi I have a 1999 1.9tdi Galaxy, 168k miles young. Was driving like a dream until today, when it just stopped going into gear. I slowed down to first to navigate some potholes and it stalled. Restarted the engine and had to hold the stick in the first position to get it to move as left to itself it popped straight out. Same for all other gears, except reverse, which doesn't exist anymore (reverse lights don't even come on when stick held in position). Managed to limp it to the nearest garage which was fortunately only half a mile away, using second gear and holding it in manually. Garage was shut (selfish really, I mean, it's only Sunday!) so I haven't had the pursed lips and head-shaking treatment yet, but I'd be really grateful if anyone has any suggestions so that I can be prepared for when I do get to speak to them tomorrow. I've seen this topic: http://www.fordgalaxy.org.uk/ford/index.ph...hl=new+gear+box which is very similar to my problem but want to know if anyone has any other light to shed? I need to know what it might be, likely cost, and how long I'm going to be without my bus for. Thanks.
  4. Blimey - and to think that I've just been whingeing about changing an airbox. If I owned a hat I would doff it to you!
  5. Fabulous - thank you VERY much.
  6. Thanks for speedy reply Seatkid. Is that to replace the whole airbox or just the filter? Or is it all just one unit? Sorry to sound dim, have only had car a month and don't have any kind of manual, Haynes, owners or otherwise so can't check. And like I said, the last car I did anything to was an ancient Fiesta and I suspect that engines might have moved on a bit since then! Sounds tacklable so far though.
  7. The airbox of my mk 1 diesel Galaxy is apparently held together by little more than sellotape and good luck, and therefore needs replacing. As does the air intake pipe, which is largely made up of gaffer tape and holes. How easy would this be to do myself, using a Haynes manual (which I don't yet have so can't check) and bits from a scrapyard? Or would I be better off forking out for someone who knows what they're doing to do it for me? The last car I ever messed about with myself was my old mk1 Fiesta, which was easy to fix due to there being nothing on it that could go really wrong.
  8. Hi Can't say if the ebay ones are junk or not, but have just bought a set of standard mats from Lidl for a fiver to supplement the mats I already had. They might not be tailored for a Galaxy but they keep the crap off the carpet, so to speak!
  9. My boys keep getting nits too - I find the conditioner and combing method works best. Expensive lotions and potions do nothing except provide a breeding modification challenge for the genetically minded nit. It's time consuming, boring and makes your skin crawl, but at least you know you've got rid of the little beggars. Nits, that is. The children keep coming back :o
  10. Just to confirm that this process definitely does work - have just reprogrammed the key for my new 1999 Galaxy Ghia X and am very, very happy :lol: that I've saved the
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