Hi I have a 1999 1.9tdi Galaxy, 168k miles young. Was driving like a dream until today, when it just stopped going into gear. I slowed down to first to navigate some potholes and it stalled. Restarted the engine and had to hold the stick in the first position to get it to move as left to itself it popped straight out. Same for all other gears, except reverse, which doesn't exist anymore (reverse lights don't even come on when stick held in position). Managed to limp it to the nearest garage which was fortunately only half a mile away, using second gear and holding it in manually. Garage was shut (selfish really, I mean, it's only Sunday!) so I haven't had the pursed lips and head-shaking treatment yet, but I'd be really grateful if anyone has any suggestions so that I can be prepared for when I do get to speak to them tomorrow. I've seen this topic: http://www.fordgalaxy.org.uk/ford/index.ph...hl=new+gear+box which is very similar to my problem but want to know if anyone has any other light to shed? I need to know what it might be, likely cost, and how long I'm going to be without my bus for. Thanks.