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  1. Hi Just three things, I expect the first doesn't count if the dyno operator is good. 1. Make sure the oxygen sensor is up to temperature, I expect it was if you have run the car up to temp monitored and then completed the run(s) (although its been know that the big fan if a bit low scoots under the engine pan and promptly cools the O2 sensor. 2. You may have just have found a resonance within the exhaust or inlet system, If you have access to the rear box, its sometimes been worth disconnecting and running a temporary flex pipe under the car and re running. 3. Could also be the CAT although should be affecting power from 4500 up. The easy way is to change the block to a 3.2 L and change the fuel injectors to the next size up, decent Air Filter 225BHP (exhaust seems to be the issue) and more torque, ECU tunes its self... Oh just thought of something did you check the Plug gaps, seem silly but sometime the fuleing is on the lean side and need a good fat spark, other RPM spark is good enought. (do you know if the engine was lean or rich at 4500, this may point to what the problem may be.) Graham P.S Matter of intrest what was it making? The original engine in seemingly good condition was around 180BHP about 24 BHP down on manufactures quote.
  2. The answer... Debris from Master Clyinder causing a problem with the Brake release valve in the ABS/TC/ESP modual. Flushed all valves through with brake fluid (off car) re attached Controller (with all the valve body controllers built in) refitted, bled brakes, reset DTC No problems since... Brake pads were not fully retracting due to risidual brake line pressure, and still rubbing against the discs, as these and the pad warmed the friction co efficent of the pad material increases feeling like the brakes are being applied, they would eventually fade, as they become too high in temperature. Graham
  3. Hi That would be nice, I've started off on a few bits myself, the clock (its a MKII) was easy, and I've also done the window switches in the doors. not tried anything further as yet, I will get round to writing up and posting what I've completed. Cheers Graham
  4. Hi Graeme Any chance you can post pictures before / after lowering to see how it affects your car? Its much easier to compare rather than comparing vechicle with tired springs. Regards Graham
  5. Chazhead To remove the pins the caliper slides on you will need a 7mm Allen (Hex) Key. screwdriver to lever spring clips or snipe nosed mole grips (better), these are to stop the pad/calipers rattling around. tyre lever or largish screwdriver to lever pads back. Good luck Graham
  6. Hi Ghost Be aware that the door locking mechanisms are similar across most VW and some Audi's, so if you are really stuck take the door lock with you to the breakers and check door lock on the cars they have. Your best bet is still to go to a local car parts supplier, most will sell you the correct size (again take it along) many will have a box with lots of common sizes. good luck Graham
  7. Thanks.. Best I sort mine out and photo graph as I go .. Graham
  8. I think from the picture that your engine is fitted with a single point injection system to meet emission regulations, not a carburettor. Vauxhall are 'great' (Ha Ha) for there fly by wire systems. What
  9. Hi I've been looking through the customising section of the site, I came across a mod to change the dash LEDs to blue, unfortunately the pictures have disappeared. could these be reinstaded? I've tried sending a message to JIMTDI but that option is not available. Has anybody else followed this ? Graham
  10. Hi I had an odd thing happen yesterday, initially the traction control lamp lit but went off after half a mile or so. A mile further on it felt like I had the handbrake on when I pulled away (I did check) several hundred yards further and the car brakes appeared to be on; the brake pedal was near rock solid. I awaited recovery during this time any pressure must have dropped in the brake system, I was escorted home and the same happened on the way home. The RAC think it may be the master cylinder; however the brakes are being applied for me not by me... I
  11. Hi Dan I canot help with your enquiry, however, you may need to supply more information as both MKII Galaxy's and the newest Shape MKIII's are (or have been) available in 2007 Best Regards Graham
  12. Hi I've just run into a problem today. I searched through the technical posts but haven
  13. Opps Sorry Just noticed you Said ROOF spoiler.. http://www.potn.co.uk/p2125101.htm http://www.potn.co.uk/p2125520.htm Graham
  14. Hi Try these site's. http://www.potn.co.uk/c2750_3030_6926_p2138874.htm http://www.potn.co.uk/c2750_3030_6926_p2138878.htm http://www.potn.co.uk/c2750_3030_6926_p2138876.htm http://www.orange-tuning.com/shop/rieger-v...af1997de4c9b84a http://www.orange-tuning.com/shop/rieger-v...ift-p-8801.html http://www.orange-tuning.com/shop/rieger-v...af1997de4c9b84a I'm concidering these for mine, note they would need painting to match your vechicle. Graham Black MKII 6 seater V6 Manual
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