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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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  1. went to VW dealer and ordered the cover for over the seat belt post bolt - the code given was bang on - thanks. Still on the hunt for the grab handle bolt covers.
  2. I have a 2003 Mk2 1.9Tdi Galaxy. The car has the roof grab handle fixing bolt covers ( all 6 handles) and the cover that hides the upper pillar seat belt bolt missing. I have tried to locate a breakers yard in Glasgow that has a mk2 galaxy for breaking without success. Tried e-bay also without any success . Does anyone know of a mk2 galaxy that is being broken for spares in order to source such parts? Any help would be most appreciative. The interior is Grey. Ford do not sell these parts seperately - have tried.
  3. I have a 2003 1.9 Tdi Galxy -- had found water in both sides of the front footwells when I took possesion of the car last year. After stripping the inside out and many hours of leak searching, I eventually found that it was due to a faulty windscreen fitting.
  4. Just bought a 2003 Mk2 Galaxy 1.9 Zetec Diesel Automatic (115BHP) and found both footwells soaking wet with water--looked as if it had wet for some time. Have now removed the insulation mats and trying to resolve the leak. Having been on this site, I have checked for the various areas that others have mentioned --1) the pollen fiilter -- I have sprayed water inside the engine compartment around the pollen filter housing --no leak observed inside -- 2) front door drain holes --all clear -- 3) checked rear wash pipe that runs through the car -- appears to be ok. When it rained heavily last week I found water droplets coming down the front of the N/S bulkead in the vicinty of the wheelarch --looked up and thought it came from the washer pipe as it comes through the bulkhead -- on ispection i found the rubber grommit, that it goes through, dry. This weekend, I have dismantled parts of the fascia and sprayed the outside of the car with a hose -- from all angles i may add -- and have found no leaks. As a last resort, I am keen to find out if anyone has found another leak point that I may not have picked up on. This problem has stumped me. Any suggestions would be gratefully received.
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