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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by symmy

  1. break a leg chromedome all the best
  2. which part of the country are you from?maybe some body in your area could recommend a garage near to you which has a good reputation this way you will know you are not being taken to the cleaners !
  3. check out posting regarding fault po700 i gad nothing but headaches and these sorted it out for me topgear motors leicester road mountsorrel formally b&l transmissions
  4. hi i have just had my auto boxx ecu fixed as that would not go out of 3rd gear which gear box specialist did you use ?was it b&l[topgear}or b&k transmissions?
  5. it was the 1 next to the battery it included fitting and diagnostic when i collected the car we had a sit down and haggled.the price from ford was 350 +the dreaded so we agreed that they would only charge me 50 for fitting then we had more tea and then scrapped the vat so that was a cash price but i at least saved the dreaded.i also checked that the part had been changed i had marked the origanal dont normally trust garages that i have not used before but they seemed quite fair. thanks paul
  6. hi all got the car back now it has had a new ecu so i am 400 pounds worse of .just what i needed .thank you all for your help without you all it proberly would have cost me a lot more so i am very grateful you are all so helpful thank you all again paul time to sell it now so its going in the trader next week
  7. dont know but volkswagan transporter wheels fit a mk2 gal
  8. gave up took the car to topgear motors [b and l gearboxs] in mountsorrel they were more than help full and very quick to diagnose it and it was the ecu for the box.i will now need to sell my body to get it fixed so it could be a while.!!! thank you all for all your help regards paul
  9. hi all further to my posting re fault po 700 does any body no where i can get a gearbox ecu part no vw 099 927 733 aq from quite quickly as i need to get the car sold ? thank you for all your help paul
  10. chard do you have a phone number for this man ? regards paul
  11. will abuse the yellow pages tomorrow and let you all know . then i will remortgage the house to get it fixed. thank you for all your help regards paul
  12. when i do that at first the light goes out then when i restart it it comes back on regards paul
  13. it just seems strange that the only thing that happened was this relay it started straight up then this code appears and is driving me insane !!!! bloody cars regards paul
  14. looks like a trip to the main dealer for me cant wait !!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. yes we did look manually took lots of time checking all fuses ,relays and connections. it was towed on a bar by the rac for 2.5 miles under 30 mph . idid ask the rac man if he could tow it and he said that he checked with his boss and it ws fine! does any body think this could have a bearing on this fault ? regards oaul
  16. not sure what software he is using without asking it was a snap on machine though.does any body know of a reputable garage that may be able to help in the leicester area i dont just want to take it to any body, you mention electrics and they normally have your pants down !!!!! regards paul
  17. rac man said it was the immobilizer but it was relay 30 as we found iut .the man with machine is a close friend so i trust his judgement we tried clearing the code down but it would not go he has since had the car for a week and called me friday to say he could not fix it that is why i am in a dilemma ,just what i needed.this was the only fault that came up ! regards paul
  18. the car broke down and was recovered by the rac this turned out ot be relay 30 .before this the car had no faults at all it was fine .the fault only occured after the relay was changed.
  19. hi all i need more help ? i have an 03 galax 2.3 auto lx .it broke down couple of weeks ago and after posting a question on here it was found to be relay 30 that had caused the problem .bought a new one and hey presto car up and runing great i thought but no !!the engine management light then came on and car is stuck in limp mode [only 3rd gear } man with machine said it came up po700 and he could not fix it does any body here have any suggestion? any help would be great thankyou paul
  20. man with machine could not find fault so he rang a man and presto you were right it was a dry joint in relay 30.thank you all very much for all your help happy again paul
  21. man with machine will be here in a mo lets see what he says and how much.?just what i need on a sat morn great in still think i should beat it with a big bush regards paul
  22. no different even tried putting igtion on an shorting the starter to get it turning over put it still not start ? time to beat it with a big bush regards paul
  23. evert thing else works fine tried the spare key and it all locks and unlocks ? paul pulling his hair out
  24. good evening just been to the car it makes no sound and nothing happens with the led in the door . its just not my day regards paul
  25. help please i have an 03 galaxy 2.3 lx auto .i was dring along yesterday when it all of a sudden cut out.i tried to restart but it would not even turn over!called the rac he tried al the usaul bits but still nothing.please help could this be the immobiliser cutting in ? regards paul
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