I have never used E-bay so I will have to think on that. I have not as yet got a second opinion, I only got the news today from my local garage, I did contact a gearbox specialist in Cowes but he was off sick so could not help. Having read many of the posts on this site, I am thinking of having a go at changing the ATF fluid maybe that will cure the problem. 12 year old oil cannot be up to the task, what has stumped me is the "sealed for life" statement that is in the haynes manual. When I had the car serviced I asked that the ATF fluid was changed, the garage came back and said it could not be done as it is sealed. So I hope you can understand my confusion, how can something be sealed for life? and what is life? 100k miles, 50k miles, it is Ford perhaps 5k miles is life :rolleyes: For everything that has been fixed so far I have been told "its a Ford thing" ^_^ I dont think that I can tackle the task of changing oil myself so I am going to have to find a garage that will do the job for me, watch this space. Big-geoff