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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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  1. there is no dipsticks on Galaxy's . you have to get the vehicle hot , on level ground ( ramp would be best ) with the engine running & in N or P get under the car and undo what looks like the drain plug, this is the level & you should get a small amount of oil run out, if you don't the tube for topping up is at the front of the gearbox with a cap on it ( cap can be a bit fiddley ) put oil in with engine still running untill it runs out the level hole on the sump.
  2. Well you have got a strange one!! I wouldn't advice you 2 by pass the cooler, if you did do it you would have to join the 2 pipes & blank off the holes for the oil so even in hot weather you could have a problem. Coolers on Galaxy's arn't common for going so you could try & get a secondhand 1 from the breakers I take it you have check you engine oil level as well just to be sure ? :wacko:
  3. Hi all I've been a transmission rebuilder for 17 years & have just joined, so I can tell you that if you do drain your oil out of your gearbox you will only be changing about 1 third of the oil the rest is still in the torque converter & amongest the gear train & cooler so you will be putting new oil with mainly old oil. as for the delay engageing drive this is very common & is the moulded piston inside the gearbox which is damaged but if you have the same problem in reverse it would be worth putting a bit more oil in. just so you now a recon & torque converter fitted should cost you around
  4. hi Mitchell yes that is the oil cooler for the gearbox, it's held on with 2 allan key bolts, under the 2 bolts is where oil enters the cooler & the 2 pipes allows water in to cool the oil but normally if the cooler has gone water will go into the gearbox and contaminate the oil, if this has happend and youv'e been driving it you will need a gearbox rebuild and a torque converter. I would also check that it is not engine oil thats in the water as thi is a different problem altogether :wacko: good luck Ige
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