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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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    ford galaxy tdi 1.9 year 1999

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Newbie (1/8)



  1. i have a ford galaxy from 1999-11 tdi 1.9 When i drive from gear 1 to 5 it' ok But only when i go from 3d gear go to 2nd it stuck I must put a little bit two the first gear and pull back to the second Than it works What is the problem ? gearcable or gearbox
  2. i need a full wiring diagram for the Galaxy where the wires are and what colour and what they do !!!!!! (for my remote controlled controller meta system M320)or other can somebody give me it e-mail: vandenkerckhoff.ron@skynet.be
  3. i need a wire schedule for my car Ford Galaxy year 1999 wire diagram , so i can connect it good I bought product in Belgium META SYSTEM M320 M 320RC n.ord : 03003439 cod.Forn :4264 cod.art :V08547.00 wich diagram do i need ? negatief or possitief? where can i find a colar diagram ps i have allready doorlocking, but no remote controlled pleas sen me a mail
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