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Everything posted by kreasey

  1. any luck with this I've had the same. It started with what sounded like road noise its now louder with vibration and knocking whether in gear or neutral, did wheel bearings back in june so discounted these. replaced driveshafts + intermediate, no difference. the bearings were cheap so suspected them, replace drivers side with skf and new strut, no difference and the cheap bearing looked in good order! tomorrow the other side will have new bearing and strut fingers crossed.also it was due for new tyres which were fitted today no difference. originally when diagnosing this I had her up on blocks in gear and engine running the noise was there, any thoughts cheers
  2. wired up spare speaker straight out of the unit works fine so looks like wiring fault (no doubt the door gaitors)
  3. thanks chrispb123456. does anyone have the wiring diagram for this unit or the plugs and I'll wire up a spare speaker,If a positive result I'll have a look at passenger door gaitors and report back. cheers
  4. thanks for reply big_kev. No I'm not sure. If there is not an amplifier involved thats the only possibility.Is there an amplifier? If not how are these speakers linked. could it be the dreaded door gaitors? I could try wiring straight from the head unit to a spare speaker but as I said I need to know is there an amp in my motor and If so where is it Ta galaxy 19tdi zetec 2003
  5. found it!!!!!!!!! disconnected drivers door gaitor all symptoms ceased. Took wiring loom out of drivers door and found 3 broken wires, soldered back together, plenty of insulation tape to protect and strenghten, also moved clip on loom inside the door to give a nats todger's extra slack when opening the door. Back good as new!! After reading other bits and pieces seems like there were a lot of different electrical symptoms for this, It just depend which wires are broken. 1 of my three was the big brown un (the power) hence nothing worked on mine only manual lock drivers door sometimes! Thanks top blokes! seatkid cyborg antzatgalaxy
  6. I can't find this problem on here so here goes. adjust balance to left channel sound breaks after bout 40 secs. My assumption left channel breaking down when warmed up.Internal problem with head unit. Changed unit for duplicate at no cost! Same symptoms. Changed front right tweeter(which is good) with left, same symptoms, so not speakers Whats the chance of the duplicate being duff? Does the head unit connect to a amp,if so can I fit an after market amp or is the option bypass the whole lot and fit after market head unit/amp combined. cheers for any help you guys galaxy 19tdi zetec 2003
  7. I have the same problem and key issue didn't sort it. adding to the symptoms mine you can hear the fuel cap door locking and unlocking and then leaves everything unlocked. did you resolve your issues dave
  8. I'm just in the middle of mine and having trouble getting the receiver dryer out of the tube its in.I squirted wd40 in the top and you can just see fine bubbles coming up. they're barely visible but thats enough to stop it working.I'll have to get it degassed to get it out or there will be gas/dye everywhere. Going back to your problem I would replace the condenser for around
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