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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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About dewsy

  • Birthday 10/27/1976

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    vw sharan tdi
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Member (2/8)



  1. anyone got a turbo for a 1.9 tdi sharan on a p reg think mines capputed cheers leigh
  2. thanks i will try this hope it works as i get sick of cars but i am gonna get this running properly cheers will let ya all no if it works cheers leigh
  3. hi i have a vw sharan 1.9 tdi on a p plate dont no wat the problem ios but i cant go faster than 60 i get to 60 and it feels like someones pushing the car back so i cant go any faster. irts really peeing me off any ideas wat it could be cheers leigh
  4. just seen this great answer i was thinkung it was that how much do frauds ask for the alternater pulley cheers leigh does anyone no how much the alternater pulley is please cheers leigh
  5. just seen this great answer i was thinkung it was that how much do frauds ask for the alternater pulley cheers leigh
  6. how do u fit a drivers side driveshaft on a vw sharan 97 p tdii as anyone got a haynes printout they can source for me or a step by step guide cheers leigh
  7. wanted a driveshaft for my vw sharan 1.9tdi drivers side if anyones got one lying around mine cupputed cheers leigh :46: :)
  8. hi i have a 97 sharan 1.9tdi my tensioner is bouncing up and down i changed my fan belt still the same but the tensioner as a lot of tension in it could it be the roller cheers leigh
  9. yes i have searched the forums i am impatient just that the missus is moaning(typical woman) i will wait
  10. any help please
  11. hi i no this is a galaxy forum byut just purchased a vw sharan tdi i am having a rumbling noise on ide looked in engine bay and think its the alternater belt as its making a lot of noise and seems slack is there anyway to tighten it cheers leigh
  12. hi i have a vw sharan just wondering why i have two i in tdi tones silver and ones red on badge cheers
  13. rolf lol i didnt realise i said that wat a goose
  14. hi wat is a heat sensor please
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