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About Max9082`

  • Birthday 09/17/1969

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    Ford galaxy
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    South East

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  1. Hallo Told you it wouldnt be long before I posted a new topic. I have an 04 1.9Tdi Galaxy. The cruise control was fixed when I first bought it (something to do with the ECU) and has been working fine. However recently it has been turning off when I indicate . It resets again straight away after and carries on. Although not a catastrophe it is annoying. I have tried looking for a thread that I am sure i found when I had the original problem but I cant find it again. I realise it could just be a dodgy wire or something but any suggestions on how i can fix it? Cheers
  2. will do - yet again thanks for your help much better than the garage I bought the car from!
  3. Sorry to be thick - with no lights on etc it was fluctuating about the 14.36 mark . Is this fine? If so stand by for the next topic!!!!
  4. Does this mean either the battery or the alternator is on the way out?
  5. Hallo just checked the battery with everything going (windscreen heaters , air con , lights , radio) and it read about 12.3 mark- Is this still acceptable. I have had no further warnings or problems with the battery since last post Cheers
  6. Hallo Thanks for the suggestion - I checked the battery and it is fine. The warning has not flashed up since the two times that I said. Could the fact that I had problems with my door pillar wires (electric windows snapped) explain the reason for the warning coming up the first time and the fact I had a flat battery be the reason for the second time. Since posting his topic I have no problems and no more warnings. Could it have been due to some sort of power fluctuation? Thanks
  7. Hallo again - now for the next problem. A couple of months ago my 04 Galaxy 1.9 Tdi flashed up very briefly "alternator workshop" . Then about 3 weeks ago (after doing all the work on my electric windows) the car had a flat battery. I put this down to working on the windows and a spell of cold weather.After charging the battery I took the car out for a drive and within the first mile it flashed up again "alternator workshop". I cant hear any squealing (as stated in other posted topics) and everything else seems to be working fine. Since then there have been no more warnings and the car is starting ok. I have read other topics on the alternator packing up and belt tensioners etc . would these be applicable in my case or can I check anything else before going to the garage?. the cars has done 77000 and as far as I know the cam belt was changed at 60000 by the previous owner. Any suggestions gratefully received Thank You
  8. Thanks for help I think I have sorted it - I wasnt screwing it back in far enough when putting it back together.Anyway everything seems to be working ok now(well for the moment at least!!!) Cheers
  9. Hi have fixed 2 broken wires (1 white 1 brown) but it still hasnt changed anything apart from the little red light does not flash at all - any further suggestions? Thanks
  10. Hallo thanks for the link but sorry if I am stupid but how do you get the boot off does it untwist or do you lever it off (I dont want to force it the wrong way!!) Thanks
  11. Hallo I have an 04 Ford Galaxy 1.9tdi. Suddenly all the electrics on my drivers door dont work. That is the 4 electric window switches , the window lock and the little control that adjusts mirrors. The drivers door does not lock on the remote (but locks with key) but the little red light that flashes when the car is locked works and the button that locks/unlocks the doors works (apart from locking the drivers door). All the electric windows work on the other doors. Any Suggestions Thanks
  12. Sorry ,I didnt tell you that mechanic also tested switches by driving vehicle and lefting pedals whilst trying to turn on cruise control I think they said they also isolated and overid the switches so the cruise would be on permanently but none of this has worked - they have now taken car back to Fords so they can have a further look Thanks Obviously I would still be grateful for any further suggestions
  13. If you mean the switches on these yes plus it also showed up no faults on the computer Thanks
  14. Hallo - I have read all the other posts about cruise control failiure but they do not seem to apply to my problem. I have just bought an 04 Galaxy 1.9 Tdi and the cruise control does not work at all. When I turn it on the green light comes on on the rev counter display but nothing happens. The garage I bought it from has put it on 3 different computers (including 1 Ford Computer) and it shows no faults. They have checked the switches etc and all are working. In short they are stumped , has anyone any ideas. I beleive this model is fly by wire so it doesnt have the hose to the vacumn pump that normally goes - is this right? Any suggestions gratefully received. Apart from this I am well happy with the car and glad I switched from a Zafira to a Galaxy!
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