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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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    1.9 tdi
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  1. It was beyond repair unfoutunatley, need linkage off a car thats breaking or it looks like getting a mortgage for a new one.
  2. has anyone got a 'spare' wiper linkage for 1999 galaxy they want to sell its the one that attaches to the underside of the wiper sill with 3 bolts . Pleas let me know ta
  3. cheers for the advice, i'll have ago at it, and let you know how i go on, one thing after another lately, first it was the wipers then on saturday i was driving along the road when all of a sudden bang...crack wallop...no its not batman but it was somethiung that flicked up from the road..obviousley i did not see it ..........now i have a hole in my fuel tank. gues what ford quoted
  4. looks like i have the same problem as you!! checked the linkage last week sprayed wd40 on it still the same works for a bit then stops. checked motor today and it was red hot. was it just a case of removing the 3 fixing bolts to remove the motor and linkage?? i have noticed on the underside where the linkage is situated there appears to be another fixing point but with no apprent bolt to take out. its like a bracket and on the other side is a rubber seal. can you shed any light ta
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