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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by PeeWee

  1. Does this mean on my MK2 TDI Gal, I could add cruise control easily? if so what would I actually need? Thanks
  2. Is it the ECU under the seat then? I thought it was the parking sensor unit as it is attached to a small speaker? I have had the car on charge all day and it now starts and runs fine, do you think it is the ecu draining the battery then? thanks for your replies
  3. Hi I hope you can help me. I bought a galaxy last week, and I have had a few problems with it, it is going back for the work to be done under warranty on TUesday. Its a 2001 19.tdi Zetec Auto Its been fine since I have had it, however this orning the central door locking wont open the car, and it wont start, flat battery it seems as everything like the fan and windows are really slow I have got the battery on charge now, but I am concerene something is causing this drain? I didnt leave anything on! The only thing I can think that might have triggered something is, the parking sensors have never worked at all no beeps nothing, On cleaning the car yesterday underneath the passenger seat was lots of spilt drinks I think , it absolutley stunk!! I gave it a really good clean out with some cleaner. This morning I thought maybe I have broken somehting in there, I took the black box out, and pulled the PCB out of the housing. It is totally corroded. what is this box? is it the parking sensor box? and could this be the cause of my batterydrain? ANy help would be great, as I said its back with the dealer on Tuesday, but I need ot be able to get to work in the morning!! Thank you I have searched the site for the asnwers first by the way, btu cant seem to find anythig relevant to my problem Pete
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