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  1. :wacko: After considered external manipulation of the wiring loom, and the car receiving a stern talking to from .ere indoors (although she was actually outside at the time), the problem has gone away. I realise that this is temporary remission and that I do need carry out a permanent fix. Thanks to all for your help and advice.
  2. When this happened to me (R reg 2.3 Ghia) about a month ago the problem was with one of the coil packs. I presume you have checked plugs and coils. Hope you manage to sort the problem.
  3. Thanks for all the suggestions and advice. It is bone dry under the passenger seat. So I am concentrating on the driver door wiring as this now seems the main suspect. Will also check the relays as suggested.
  4. Gregers, No, I haven't checked specifically but have not seen or smelt any signs. What is the significance of water under the passenger seat? Will go and check now. Thanks.
  5. Thanks both for your interest and comments. Neil - I will follow your suggestion and check the door wiring. Wagpmatic
  6. Hello from a new member in the Basingstoke area, Have spent time looking in the Technical area at the FAQ's in case anyone had already mentioned anything similar to my current problem. Can't find anything and so hope I am not wasting your time. R reg 2.3Ghia At the moment this problem occurs most days, but usually only once. Sometimes after a short journey (3 miles), sometimes after a much longer one (>30miles). Sometimes it is after the first journey of the day, sometimes not. In other words, I can spot no pattern whatsoever. The problem is this; when I stop the car and turn off the ignition, the engine continues to run perfectly normally. If I open the driver door the engine stops. If I then close the driver door usually all the dashboard lights come on but the engine will not start, as if the imobiliser is in operation. If I then lock the car from the outside usually everything returns to normal, until the next time. Sometimes, however, when I lock the door the dashboard lights come on as if I have inserted the ignition key and I have to open & close the door and try locking it again. Presumably ignition switch or control module? Sorry this is so long but I wanted to give as much info as possible. Any help very welcome, Thanks, Wagomatic
  7. Riversider, Don't know if this is of any use or not, but on my 1998 2.3Ghia I found a break in both the 'supply' and earth cables to the High level brake light.
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