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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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    ford galaxy tdi
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    North West

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  1. Hi m8. Does your car bang when cranking and starting? Does it have poor drive take up when letting out the clutch? If so, looks like its on its way out. You can buy a solid flywheel conversion now from motor factors, saving
  2. Generally on lpg you need a smaller gap in the plugs. I would pinch each rubber gas pipe to nip off the gas when running on lpg, rather than unplug the gas injectors.Most systems will switch back to petrol if you unplug the gas injectors. It could be your gas vapouriser as allready stated, blocked gas filter, solonoid valve. It sounds to me like it is low on gas pressure though. Is the gas tank full??? I work in a garage that install lpg systems, so have a bit of an idea.
  3. no,no,no,no,noooooo. Dont ever link sided lights. They are sided incase one develops a fault,so at least one is working. Is it blowing the front side light as well ?? Do you have trailer electrics wired up?? It sounds like you have a short somewhere. What you need is lots of patience,and to start stripping the loom out and following the wires back. Its a long drawn out affair...... Things to look for before hand,is the dash lights going out,glove box,has someone fitted a stereo and cut the wires. Just a couple of things to check before delving in to some loom stripping..
  4. Hi. Ive just finished fitting my tow bar and electrics. Ive cut into the wiring and soldered in the relay box for the trailer electrics. Dont just splice in (scotch locks) for your trailer. The original wiring is not up to taking the extra load. Also by law,you have to have the audible warning when indicating. It took me a couple of hours, tracing wiring,splicing and refitting. But good job done. Mine is fitted in o/s/r cubby hole. I had to run 2 core cable over to n/s , but not a hard job.I also wired mine up to aux power sockett using a 15 amp inline fuse as detailed. the tell tale works A1 on the dash too. Good luck.
  5. Hi m8. Being a non Ford Technician, i would say youre right. I work as a breakdown mechanic, and by your description youre bang on. Thethermostat needs to open and close correctly, and does alter your fuelling to suit. Chances are when she got hot,it has either collapsed,or is jammed open. I would advise to replace it asap. you do run the risk of premature cat failure if youre running too rich,and also possible valve failure. Good luck, hope this helps ya. :o
  6. I would say approx
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