Only my second post - so apologies if this has been discussed before - How can I remove the driver door trim on my 1999 Galaxy without wrecking the trim/wiring etc.? I've noticed a post elsewhere on this forum on how to remove the trim on a Mk2 , but this doesn't look as though it's the same as a Mk1 (maybe it is - can someone confirm?) Alternatively - I'm trying to replace the driver wingmirror, is it possible to do this without removing the trim? I thought about splicing the wires from my new mirror to those leading inside the door - but they are coloured differently! OLD WIRES COMING FROM INSIDE DOOR (PREVIOUSLY CONNECTED TO OLD MIRROR) RED/BLACK BLUE/BLACK BROWN/YELLOW WIRE TRAILING FROM NEW MIRROR RED/BLACK BLUE/BLACK BROWN WHITE WHITE The mirror was ordered from a spares centre and is the correct mirror for my model of car, does anyone know the corresponding wire colours? Thanks for any help Col