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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by col

  1. No problem - I appreciate all the help I can get :unsure:
  2. For clarification - I've just gone out and compared my car's trim with the pictures in the faq. It's not the same. I've a 1999 Galaxy, am I right in thinking that it's a Mk1?
  3. It's probably my misunderstanding, but there seems to be a step missing between step 1 and step 2 on the faq - the door lever appears to have been removed in step 2 - how is this done? (Also, I've still not had any confirmation that the process is the same for a Mk1 and a Mk2 - but thanks for all the replies :unsure: ) Col
  4. NikpV. >assuming its similar to the mk2 have alook at item 4 in the faq That's what I'm unsure about. I've had a go at removing the trim based on the info in the faq, but it seems to be very reluctant to come off (especially the bit about pulling out the handle)...
  5. Only my second post - so apologies if this has been discussed before - How can I remove the driver door trim on my 1999 Galaxy without wrecking the trim/wiring etc.? I've noticed a post elsewhere on this forum on how to remove the trim on a Mk2 , but this doesn't look as though it's the same as a Mk1 (maybe it is - can someone confirm?) Alternatively - I'm trying to replace the driver wingmirror, is it possible to do this without removing the trim? I thought about splicing the wires from my new mirror to those leading inside the door - but they are coloured differently! OLD WIRES COMING FROM INSIDE DOOR (PREVIOUSLY CONNECTED TO OLD MIRROR) RED/BLACK BLUE/BLACK BROWN/YELLOW WIRE TRAILING FROM NEW MIRROR RED/BLACK BLUE/BLACK BROWN WHITE WHITE The mirror was ordered from a spares centre and is the correct mirror for my model of car, does anyone know the corresponding wire colours? Thanks for any help Col
  6. Thanks for the quick replies.... Is the global opening feature configureable? Is it something the garage should be able to reset - or has something bust? If it is a damp problem - is that something normally covered by warranty? (Duuuhhhh - What's a locking ecu?)
  7. I'm new to this forum (just baught a Galaxy Zetec 1.9 TDi, 'T' 1999 yesterday). This thread is the reason I've joined the forum ! When I unlock the car doors, the front windows go down (and the central locking unlocks the doors). This doesn't feel right ! Is it a known problem? Are Galaxys' known for dodgy electrics? I'm really just looking for some advice before I go back to the garage. Thanks in advance.
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