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  1. Just had mine done yesterday on 56K. I still don't know if it needed doing at 40K, but the dealership changed the water pump at the same time, they also pointed out that a CV boot, brakes all round, a tyre and full exhaust system needed replacing. Paid 700+ for the work done (belt, water pump and service) and still have loads to do :wub: The chest pains, palpitations and cold sweats have died down a little now.
  2. Is it the trip computer? If so the right hand stalk has several buttons on to cycle up and down through the options, average speed, trip time, distance, fuel consumption, average fuel consumption. Outside temperature displays as well. The computer has two memories so that one can be reset for a trip and one can just follow your average fuel etc over a longer time. There is a button to toggle between the two memories, that may be where the 1 and 2 come from... As for the problem where it blanks out it has happened to me on a few occasions and is proving to be intermittent, with the display working more often that not. Hope this helps.
  3. You can pick up mirrors quite cheap, try googling for caravan accessories. If you are worried about what fits- I use a pair of 'milenco' mirrors that I picked up for around a tenner. I seem to need a new set every other year because the straps break but at a tenner that's no real worry. They are prone to vibration but to be honest with our van we could get away without them with the towing mirrors only really being handy for the blackspots and reversing. There are also caravanning forums out there where I am sure you would get a detailed breakdown of every aspect of towing mirrors, and if I dared mention not using mirrors on them there would then be a flurry of links to legislations etc.... Actually that may be quite fun. I'm off :)
  4. First time with the awning was a pain, but we took the van to a cerified location just around the corner from our house to break the van in and to be honest we had no worries about embarrassment because we were there alone, it took a fair while the first time to put it up but after a few trips out two of us can get the awning up in about twenty or thirty minutes. Once you have set it up for the first time you get to know where the pieces go and it is quite simple to do from then on. The other thing is that caravanners are a strange breed and I'm sure that people wouldn't watch anyone struggle and help would be to hand, but I must admit that I wanted to practice out of the way before trying to put it up on a large site!
  5. Here is ours, before our last trip and at the site, Fairly heavy van at about 1450KG MTPLM and a car full of kids, towed brilliantly, the only thing was that towing we get about 24mpg and we tried to get to Thirsk on half a tank, fuel light came on before we left the A1, day before payday with the site to pay for.... A big sigh of relief when we parked up on the site in view of a filling station!
  6. Is the bulb in the right way round? I managed to fit one in the wrong way, making the brake light stay on and the bulb fault light to display on the dash.
  7. Firstly I am very poor at repairs and do it yourself type stuff, but I have finally got round to pinning down the reason that my rear wash doesn't work. This forum is fantastic and has helped no end, I wouldn't have had a clue as to how to go about it without this board. It took me less than five minutes to fix and the thing that sprung to mid was how easy it was to repair once you know how. It makes sense to me to have the weakest point in the system somewhere that is so easily accessible. If frozen pipes are going to burst without a built in weak point surely it is easier to put a safeguard in the system. Has anyone repaired theirs and glued it together to find failures then occuring in any other parts of the system? Al
  8. I also worry about the towing aspect and the effects on the auto box as we have a heavy 'van and a full load of passengers and luggage. Saying that it doesn't seem to have had a negative effect so far and as was said earlier the ease of towing that you get from the auto is amazing. My first experience of towing was with this car and to be honest it makes manoevering so easy, no thought of clutch control, i found it difficult enough to get the hang of reversing. The thought of a gearbox failure is daunting but she seems to take everthing i throw at her.
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