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  1. Thanks mumof 4 and stevie m for your replies. I will get reading. Will let you know how I get on. Thanks again.
  2. Only one remote, the spare one is just like a normal key.
  3. Hi Mumof4 Thanks for explaining about the windows. The light on the door does flash is flashes once about every second.
  4. Hi I have a 2001 galaxy tdi 1.8. The other day the key fob stopped locking and unlocking the doors. I thought it maybe the batteries but have noticed that the light flashes when I press the button. Does anyone know if I should just change the batteries first, if so which batteries do I need, to see if this works or does it sound like it could be something else. I have to use the key manually and on a couple of occasions when unlocking or locking the door it will put front windows down / up. Many thanks.
  5. Ok thanks very much for the advice. Will try at the weekend but I might just take a look this afternoon. Will let you know how I get on.
  6. OK thanks will take a look. I am assuming it is obvious which bits need removing.
  7. I suppose it is really. Maybe it would be a good idea if I actually went and opened up the bonnet and had a look, things might be a bit more obvious to me then. lol :huh: Thanks for your reply.
  8. Oops sorry! Its a 2001 1.9 TDI. Will take a look at the link. I did notice that you had done yours, well done. I did think of having a go myself but thought I should leave it to my hubby. I don't know a thing about cars!
  9. Hi I appear to have the dreaded wiper problem. My wipers will work then get very slow and then just stop. They may restart after a short period. I have read a lot of posts on here about the same problem and have decided that the first place to look at is the wiper linkage and see it if has seized. How easy is it to get to the wiper linkage. Any help on finding them and advice on how to get them out would be very much appreciated. (I have looked in the forums but can't find anything on the location of them). Many thanks.
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