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Everything posted by DaveM

  1. I've gone through the whole of the air con system on my 2.8V Ghia X galaxy. new compressor, filter drier, etc, the lot ! (compressor sounded like a tin of nails) it worked for a month or two, but then it lost it's gas. a subsequent regas lasted about a week. no evidence of any dye on any of the components or pipework HOWEVER! the condensate water left on the driveway has has a very slight oily bright yellow residue Aarrghh! sounds like the leak is at the evaporator coil I hear it's a dash out, labour intensive job (circa
  2. another possibility check the rubber boots either end of the steering rack, (and the power steering fluid level) if the boots are full of liquid, then yor seals are 'letting by' so it's a new steering rack. (speaking from exterience, about
  3. @big_kev: The battery did look well weathered. I'm sure it was at least 5 years old. I don't know how many years they should last for? 5 years (in my experience) is about right for a V6 Gal I've just bought my second battery and the car is now 11 years young oh and idle for a V6 is about 650 to 750rpm, so if it's nearer 1000 then it's either cold or the air con has kicked in
  4. bad form to reply to own post, but somebody has to ;) just an update. No, seals cannot be replaced and it cost me
  5. Air Con ? rattling compressor and hissing evaporator.... eek ! just guessing
  6. 2.8V6 1998 My power steering started to scream a couple of weeks ago. The fluid level was low so I topped it up and the screaming stopped. However, I checked it out anyway. The near side rubber boot at the end of the steering rack is full of fluid. I guess this means the internal seal has gone and so letting fluid into the boot. luckily the boot is a snug fit and it's retaining the fluid... for now two questions 1/ Is it possible to replace the steering rack seals ? 2/ how much, on average, will it cost to get a new rack fitted ? Thanks all
  7. I noticed that my '98 2.8 V6 Galaxy is leaving small spots of oil on the drive. I've just had a quick look underneath and there is a bright yellow oily substance dripping, (very slightly) from a cylindrical 'lump' just behind the front bumper, drivers side. The bit that i can see is about the diameter of a can of drink. it's positioned verticaly, not on it's side I had a new A/C compressor about 12 months ago.... surely this isn't the oil with the leak detection dye in it ? if it is, it's got a 2 year warranty, so back it goes. The air con appears to be working pretty well though. (not that it's under any real load at the moment) could it be anything else ?
  8. it could also be the condenser fan of the air con After switching off my V6 Gal, the condenser fan runs on for several minutes. sounds like a jet engine :P It does however stop after a couple of minutes. It occasionally comes on again for a second or two whilst the sensor 'hunts', but only if it's very, very hot outside, so it sounds like you have some sort of sensor fault. Try turning off the climate control for 10-15 minutes and see whether the fan still runs after you switch off, (I guess you have full climate control ?)
  9. My 98 2.8V6 has developed a loud hum and slight vibration when I turn the steerng wheel. The power steering seems un-effected, i.e. it still works, it's just very noisy Any ideas what it is, (belt vibration of some sort?) and how much is it likely to cost to get fixed ? thanks all
  10. Mine also refused to 'com' with my Ford Galaxy until i tried to connect as a VW Sharan.... now works perfectly.
  11. My replacement MAF seems to have done the trick. it hasn't missd a beat for a week now. (fingers crossed) I too thought it could be a burnt out exhaust valve, aarrgghh! it certainly felt like it, but thankfully not. One more thing, my Ford 2.8V6 would struggle to talk to VAG-COM. (on the odd occasion it did it only reported a couple of faults), my mate then tried to connect as a VW Sharan and it it connected straight away and displayed a long list of fault codes! (minor ones or MAF related) I guess my Galaxy Ghia X is a VW in disguise. (it also has a single coil pack 'brick' which I gather is a VW thing also) good luck
  12. Ian A faulty MAF Sensor would not produce rough running symptoms, only restricted power (slow acceleration and limited top speed). My faulty MAF produced flat spots and rough idling at tickover... I thought these are 'rough running symptoms' But maybe that's because mine is a petrol engine (Dec'98 2.8 V6)
  13. Just got my '98 V6 back from the garage today for an intermittant misfire. it wasn't so much a misfire, but struggling to tick over, (rpm all over the place) and flat spots when cruising. (under acceleration it was OK) Some days it was perfectly OK, but then other days it was a nightmare. it to would 'click' then struggle to tick over it appears mine was a dodgy MAF sensor. but then the intermittant MAF fault appeared on VAG-COM as just that. (MAF sensor fault - intermittant) worth a look though
  14. This has been going on for a long time, so i'll try and summarise. I'm not sure if any of this is related, but it all appears to come from the same area of the engine compartment. Here goes : My 2.8V6 1998 'S' plate Galaxy was serviced by an indepant (but Ford trained garage, I know this as i've known the garage owner since his Ford apprentiship days) After the service there was a popping noise that appeared to be comng from under the air filter box The mechanic said there was nothing to worry about, so bring it back the following week and he'd sort it out, (whilst it was booked in for a new exhaust) whilst he was looking under the box, he also moved a small pipe with a T piece in it that broke. He taped up the straight section (as it was making some serious sucking noises) and left the lower pipe flapping about. the straight section of pipe appeared to be attached to the lower part of the air filter box and the other end dissappeared behind the engine block. He also said that this wasn't a problem and he'd replace the taped up pipe whilst he did the exhaust. The car then started to run very 'lumpy' no problems under load. only when cruising or slowing down. it also had problems to maintain a consistent idle rpm. (sometimes cutting out) This problem was only intermittent. the car either run very sweetly or it was a nightmare (flat spots) It's now also started to do nothing when you put your foot down, just hesitate and almost cut out) the problem would dissappear if you stopped, turn the ignition off, then on again. but then come back again. The garage had it back last week and cured the popping noise. (didn't tell me what it was, just said he'd cleaned out something or other, (throttle housing ?!) The small T piece pipe was on order from ford, so that is still broken. it run sweetly for a couple of days then the flat spot/idling/no oomph problem started again. i popped it by his garage so he could plug in the diag vag/com thing. I can't remember exactly what it said, but there were about 5 faults found. (all intermittent) one states something about 'evap' which he said was something to do with the exhaust and was nothing to worry about. there was also an oxygen level warning of some sort then 2 x maf sensor faults (intermittent) He reckoned that the MAF was the reason for the flat spots/idling/cut out problem. it's booked in for monday. Sorry for the lack of technical speil, (i'm not a mechanic) Do you think all the above are connected, i.e. something the mechanic did during the service which produced the popping noise that then screwed up the MAF ? I know the MAF can be a problem, (mine is from new, so 10 years old) but does it sound like the cause of my problems. AND what is this little broken pipe that "doesn't matter".... is it related to my problems oh, and is 40-50 quid about right to replace the MAF cheers
  15. Had my '98 2.8V6 Galaxy serviced last Thursday. Since the service i've noticed a knocking/popping noise coming from under the air filter box, (top left hand side under the bonnet) it's an intermitant rythmic knocking noise, 2 or 3 knocks a second that only happens when the engine has warmed up. it will suddenly stop, but then start again a few seconds later. you can only hear it whilst idling, but then the engine noise may be masking the noise. To my un-trained ear, it sounds a bit like a air non-return flap installed the wrong way round, so the air is banging against the closed flap. The intermittant nature suggests it's thermostatically controlled. Is there such a thing behind/underneath the air filter box ? maybe some sort of idling valve ? or am i just guessing and getting it completely wrong ? The garage ensures me there is nothing to worry about and it's probably "one of the two rubber pipes at the back of the box that are worn and need replacing" They are going to take it back on Thursday, but for my own piece of mind, i'd like to have a few ideas for the cause of the noise. cheers
  16. Some very close answers ! Here you go 4 new Dunlop SP2020 215,55,R16 tyres =
  17. My 98 2.8V6 ghia x deserved a bit of TLC I've had it since it was 6 months old only 70k on the clock body work immaculate So just for bit of fun, see who can guess the total repair bill for this little lot 4 new Dunlop SP2020 215,55,R16 tyres 2 CV joints 2 new roll bar drop links 2 new ABS sensors and rings new air con compressor receiver dryer unit pressure switch re-gas a bit of a clue, if i'd of crashed the car, the insurance company would of written it off !
  18. Sorry to reply to own post Just found the speed ratings The fitter at CostCo obviously believes my gal can reach 168mph !!! I'll stick with the 'H's (130mph) Still would appreciate views on Avon tyres though cheers
  19. You'll also find the 'dual climate control' temperature for the rear cannot be set lower than the front (I think it might let you select 1 degree lower, but that's it) If you have no ceiling vents, you only have single air con. I made the mistake of believing I had dual air con so charged the system to the upper figure which screwed up the whole system ! looking at a compressor change now, but not sure if the over charge was the cause of the failure
  20. Sorry for yet another tyre post I've been searching the forum for the last hour but can't find the answer. My '98 2.8V6 ghia X Galaxy has Dunlop SP2020 215/55/R16 95H tyres after a couple of front back swaps, it's come to a point where I need to replace all 4 So maybe time for a change in tyre manufacturer However, I've been quoted different recommended speed ratings by different people. The tyre centre at CostCo recommend 97W for the V6 Galaxy, (Michelin only) in fact they don't even stock the 'H' tyre in that size. So what speed rating do I need ? (and what are the speed rating ranges ?) even the SP2020's come in different ratings ! one more question, i've been quoted a decent price for Avon tyres, (H rated at
  21. Hi , The wife has just phoned to say that the light above the temperature warning light is flashing. It's a 1998 Galaxy 2.8 V6 The needle on the temperature gauge is in the middle (norm) position and the engine seem to be running normally. However the light above the temp gauge is flashing. any ideas what this means ? thanks
  22. My V6 runs with an oil temp of about 90 to 115 depending on how i'm driving. The manual says that if the oil temperature reaches 145 degrees then decrease engine speed immediately, (but doesn't say switch it off !!) So don't panic.... 100+ is quite normal, in fact it's probably the optimum temperature for the oil to do what it does best. (page 22 on my old mk1 owners manual)
  23. Mine did just that and i'm afraid to say it was the coil pack. Get it out in the daylight and look for very faint track marks between the 6 pots. You need a good eye to see them, but if they are there, it certainly buggers up the running of what is otherwise a very smooth engine
  24. after leaving the car (Galaxy 2.8 V6 ghia X 1998), for a week at the wet and breezy long stay airport car park over christmas, I return to find the ABS light does not switch off after you start the car. Any ideas ?
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