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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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About Sonic

  • Birthday 08/03/1979

Profile Fields

  • Vehicle Type
    2.8 V6 Galaxy
  • Vehicle Model
  • Region
    South West

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  • Location
    West Wales

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Newbie (1/8)



  1. Sonic


    Cheers Ivor for the quick response and the good ideas. Ok on Sunday had a look at the diplay panel and unplugged and replugged it, the Speedo flicks up and back down. Also been able to change the display from miles to KM and back again. Sounds like a good deal about the labour charge if it does not work. Will have to wait till I get the Gal back as in the body shop for a new bumper, indicator and passenger headlight. As some one reversed into it, apparently didn't see it. Can
  2. Hi, new to this site. Just bought my Galaxy M reg 98000 miles, 2.8 V6 GLX. Bought off ebay(saying low milage) ! So not expecting it to be brilliant. A few miner niggles which i've managed to sort. But this has me stumped. Speedo does not move, the digital display has stopped at 98K'ish miles and does not turn off, when the ignition is turned off and car locked up.?? At the moment the guessing the speed by the Rev counter. All other electrics are fine, fuel, temp, windows, sun roof. Been looking for similar posts but haven't found any. Any ideas? As this would stop me crawlling past the the local speed cameras. I do have some mechanical knowledge so would like to attempt this one, before the garage burns my pocket. Thanks for reading. All theories welcome.
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