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Everything posted by mutleybrookes

  1. hi, does anybody know how or why the central locking on the taigate doesn't work, the rest of the car works and i've checked the wiring and that seems to be intact
  2. yeah thanks for the advice, checked wiring on top of tailgate, wires broken, got the rear wiper working, connected another and now the interior lights work in the back, however when the taigate goes down it still doesn't lock and the interior lights stay on i can see that they are connected to the lock by tracing the wiring, my next questions are... how does the lock work i can see two wires going in so i'm presumming theres some kind of electro-mechanical locking device which probably isn't working (sorry thats the best way i could phrase it) and 2, how does the central locking release the tailgate lock as looking at mine it doesn't appear to be linked to anything....regards
  3. hi does anybody have a list as to what all the fuses do,not just the ones listed on the fuse box cover any help would be great!
  4. hi as the title suggests has anybody got pictures of the mechanism in the tailgate, could really do with it being labelled, i have currently got the rear tailgate card off trying to fix the lock that wont stay closed. Any help gratefully accepted.
  5. sorry forgot to mention that the central locking has never worked on the tailgate in the 3 years of having the car, also recently the rear wiper stopped working, any connection?
  6. hi guys tried looking in the faq's for an aswer, probably missed it! so i'll ask the question the tailgate lock has just started to stay open in other words it wont lock! close the back door and then you can just lift it open again the mechanism that closes around the fixed latch moves backwards and forwards but wont stop in the locked position many thanks for the anticipated words of direction!
  7. hi can anyone explain why i would have one of the electric mirrors suddenly stop working, i can't move it and the heater doesn't work on it regards mutley
  8. hi has anyone had a problem with the heating during an mot, during an mot a year ago the tester complained that although it didn't fail the mot it seemed to be overheating. On the way home the car dumped hot water all over my left foot, i was told that the heater matrix had gone and had it replaced which cost a fortune. Anyway just taken the car for its mot today and had to defrost it for about 30 mins due to freezing tempratures, picked up the galaxy and was told that the windows wouldn't demist, might be a radiator leak, advised to get some radweld. Drove home after having to wipe the inside of the windscreen heard a "slosh" of water whilst driving, got home to find my left shoe wet! Any ideas as can't afford to have the heating matrix done again.....or is it time to get rid? regards steve
  9. hi no vertical fuses anybody have any ideas? also how would you arm the alarm as it has never worked?
  10. sorted! had another look around and the top row of fuses that you have to strain your neck to see a 10amp fuse was blown aprox 4th fuse from the top left,changed it and hey presto back sockets now work!!!!!!!!!!!!! im as happy as a pig in muck! now if i can just cure the other dozen faults................................
  11. hi guys and gals, finally got my 3 sockets working! hurrah anyway new question, on removing the cover above the 2 rear power sockets i have a large black box does anybody know what it is? and also i have a small rectangular connector with 1 rounded edge it has six wires going into it, any ideas? thanks
  12. Hi, does anyone know if you can test your tow bar electrics without actually hooking up a trailer?
  13. well now you've got me, as i said central locking and global close still work, there are i think 2 leads that are not being used under the passenger seat! there are also a couple of mounting screws where i presume the old box used to be.
  14. yeah thanks for the advice about the key! central locking and global close still work! will i be able to program new keys ok? regards
  15. Hi guys Can you tell me in no uncertain terms.....what is the box under the passenger seat responsible for, as my galaxy hasn't got one, not sure if i need it, i've got a 1996 2.8 v6 ghia x, would a new box do anything for me! Regards in advance of someone giving it to me straight! ps only driving on the red master key
  16. thanks turk i checked fuse no 7, it was ok but it wasn't yellow kind of whiteish, i used a multimeter to check it and it's ok. Like i said before i changed the top left hand fuse which had blown,its red, using the forum i put a 20 amp in but this was yellow,so im still confused (that isn't hard). If any body can help me with my seemingly endless electrical questions..........how can i check if my towbar electrics are working as i want to buy a trailer but dont want it not to work, hope that makes sense!....also why don't my interior lights come on automatically, have tried the switches but to no avail! cheers
  17. Hi gents How exactly do you change the gearbox oil and what do you need to do the job?
  18. hey thanks it was the battery! so the next thing to fix is the cigarette lighter and the rear sockets, changed the big fuse on the top left as other forums had described i think its no 35,but still no joy, any ideas? i fitted a yellow 20 amp fuse, is this the right ratig?
  19. hi everyone just been following your excellent advice on getting the central locking fixed, replaced the fuse and hey presto it works! anyway now the car wont start! it makes a rapid ticking noise, the radio has lost its channels, the red led on the door doesn't flash and basically what do i do now? i only have a red master key that was working properly until just. its a 2.8 v6 auto and im scared to touch it again help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;)
  20. Thanks I did a search and there seems to be a step by step guide to fixing this DIY style, so i will give it a try. G
  21. Thanks I did a search and there seems to be a step by step guide to fixing this DIY style, so i will give it a try. G i/ve got a similar problem that something shorted out and the central locking wont work now! have you got the web address for that diy fix?
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