yeah in the trade most things from soups to souces have a basic set of vegtables that starts it of this is onion,carrot,celery and leek all chopped small like u would for your onions sweat these off u could add a bit of garlic if u like now add ur mince and carry on as u normally would you have some nice flavours with the wine and toms but i dont see u have any stock homemade is best but to do that right i can take upto 2 days :/ so i use the pastes u find in the refrigorator section in most supermarkets there exelent but a good old oxo would do,,real chillis also will work a treat remembers the smaller they are the hotter they are at the very end season with salt and pepper it really does wonders for the flavour,some ppl swear by adding some coco powder to there chilli iv never tried it but feel free just remember i said coco powder not hot chocolate powder O.o and tobasco souce if u wanna crank it up a bit more.Hope this helps