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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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    ford galaxy
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    South West

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  1. hello i ,ve just took my car for mot all it failed on was a tyre driveshaftgater which is being done also fog light switch is staying on any ideas what they are on about fog lights go on and off
  2. hello i have 1997 2.0ltr petrol my car does,nt start it will bump start.i took of starter motor connected to jump leads and it will go out but not spin.could it be starter motor thanks
  3. hello i have 1997 manual 2.0ltr petrol without any warning(drove to a place perfect. drove of and problems i can,t select 1,2,5 and reverse with engine running or not running.any ideas thanks
  4. hello i have 1996 2.0 petrol car it,s cutting out and really chugging called aa out they said was fuel pump as when he hit the tank it did improve he followed me home and it was ok then tried it again and it back to cutting out and chugging and chucking out loads of smoke when i was reving it .also showing no fuel when theres at least 4 gallons in there. as i put
  5. hello i have 2.0ltr petrol was running fine now cuts out chugging like mad. if you leave it till it,s cold it start up fine and run fine for about 2 miles.called aa out they said likely fuel pump as when it was running slightly rough he banged the fuel tank and it did improve.fuel tank is showing empty when i know there is at least 2 gallons in there.is the fuel pump hard to do and if it was the fuel pump why does,nt do it when cold
  6. currently i have 97 petrol 2ltr runs out of mot soon and going to need quite a lot to put though.so i,m thinking of getting a diesel one i only have
  7. hello just been changing rear brake pads on my galaxy done left side(so true in what you say with the tool it was easy.starting doing right side the disc look really rusty but i still carried on undone to 13mm bolts push the piston back with tool but the 2 bits where the bolts screw in to were seized(not moving at all)so spayed wd40 tried moving it but bent one side.what this part called how much and is it just undo 2 big bolt sat bottom and take thing of as i probaly change disc aswell thanks
  8. hello doing brakes on my galaxy done front brakes easily used no special tool.now doing the rear and i can,t get the piston to go back i,ve been using 6inch g clamp but it,s not moving at all (does the piston need to rotate clockwise as i,m pushing in the g clamp?)Also theres dfferent views on here about undoing the bleed nipple is this necessary thanks
  9. hello i had a missfire on my car was getting a shock from throtte housing. when iwas reving up this stopped but still missfiring will change plugs and leads(plugs haven.t been changed in at least 4 years they look a real pain to get out any pointers on taking them out as i don,t want to break of any thing.also on the leads how do you know there on properly when you can,t even see what your pushing on to.do you need any special tool to tke them out.thanks
  10. hello i have 2.0 petrol 1997 galaxy when i go over 60mph it begins to miss(cut out)i would say 70 mph probaly would be flat out if it would reach that.anything up to 50mph it,s fine thanks
  11. hello i have 1996 petrol 2.0ltr .it all started couple weeks ago would not start(would turn over but not fire)called aa and he pointed it to a old alarm imboliser(falcon)suddenly coming on.i have not used this for 2yrs.in his words where the alarm was so rubbish all he did was take a few fuses out and it started again.but now sometimes it will not start will turn over but not fire(you can tell this as usually it fires up within 2 turn off the key if it does not it won,t start so i have to wait 5 mins try it and if it fires within 2 turns it will start. thanks sorry about he grammar.
  12. hello i have p reg galaxy and went to check for water and oil and the cable snapped.i now can,t open the bonnet any ideas on how to open bonnet?i tried looking for the 10mm bolt just to the right of ford badge but can,t see it thanks
  13. I would say its the roll restrictor as well. Its a really easy job to do. You'll probably find the bol has sheared off in the actually bar. remove it and take it to a decent garage and they should be able to get the bolt out for about a tenner. Order a new bolt from fraud, about 8 pounds, and a new bush. Need any more help let me know. Mark i took the splash guard of and the bolt had come of the bar thing so i just screw it back in.what do you mean by bush all the rubber bits looked ok.i do have a problem with temp it does,nt get off the bottom of the white even after you let it idle for 15 mins or so it still only goes half way up the white.i,ve been told it could be thermastat is this easy to do and is it under the coil packs
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