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Ford Galaxy Owners Club

Simon W

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  • Vehicle Type
    Ford Galaxy
  • Vehicle Model
  • Region
    South West

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Member (2/8)



  1. Hi guys, On my 2011 Galaxy the high level brake light has just stopped working; Any Advice? (I think its an LED) Is there a separate fuse? Thanks Simon W
  2. Hi, Can someone tell me how to tighten the Passenger wing mirror on my 58 Galaxy... I remove the blacking plate on the other side of the mirror enclosure (Inside) and there is nothing there..?.. Thanks Simon W
  3. Hi, I too have been told we have the start of the same problem!! (57 Galaxy 1800d) Ford Quoted
  4. It depends if your are standing at the front of the car or at the back!!
  5. Hi, All of a sudden when I engage reverse the buzzer stayes on!! I believe I have a faulty sensor. (front) Where is the 'control box' on the mark 3? Any ideas Si p.s. Can I totally disconnect them or just the fault sensors?? ??
  6. Hi, All of a sudden when I engage reverse the buzzer stayes on!! I believe I have a faulty sensor. (front) Where is the 'box' on the mark 3? Any ideas Si p.s. Can I totally disconnect them??
  7. Any Ideas !!
  8. Hi over the weekend I was stuck in traffice for over an hour and noticed the fuel gauge just rising and falling... Any Ideas? ---------------- 2000 Galaxy 1.9 TDI
  9. Hi Can somebody please give me more info of how and where to replace the faulty element.. Pictures would be great !! Settings 1 and 2 done work with me either.. Thanks Simon W
  10. Hi All, I have just bought a Mk2 Galaxy. BUT It dont have a glove box manual. Could somebody photocopy theirs (I will pay) or even better; a PDF copy? Thanks Simon W
  11. Hi All, I have just purchased a replacement stereo and It has been installed by a local garage. The original stereo was a CD unit, and off from the back were 3 clusters of cables. But only two of them were needed for the install... Now when I listen to the radio and I press the button to demist the front window there is a lot of interferance.. Any Ideas... Thanks Simon W
  12. Do Ford have an online website? or somewhere I can order online? Thanks Simon W
  13. I do believe the is a cable you can get which splits the supply.... Ive seen then on ebay.. Si
  14. What about eating a Mc D. Does that account....
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