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  1. all sorted yes it was coil pack cheers for the replies..
  2. anyone pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
  3. hi i have cleaned everything but still the same prob,there are 2 coil packs which run 4 spark plugs but i thought that if a coil pack went then it would make 2 spark plugs fail and not one
  4. hi i have a S reg 2.3i gal the problem was coming back from birmingham to blackpool via buxton,after i left buxton through country lanes heavily logged water on the roads my gal decided to want to run on 3 plugs,the next morning on inspection 3 plugs were sparking good but the first one (looking from front of car is the 1 on the right under the coil pack)this plug was well wet so i took the plug and tried it on a freinds motor and that to was firing ok so do you guys reckon i need a new coil pack or will it be anything else,i have just ordered a coil pack from ebay to start eliminating the possible problems,also i have read somewhere that driving more than 2 miles with car running on 3 will damage the cat so will i need to replace that aswell Thanks again guys..........
  5. yes i had mine changed while at a car boot so i guess as long as the batterys are changed within a few minutes it will be ok
  6. i dont know how to enable/disable but i had to do it twice as the first time i done it came up with OIL so i repeated procedure and it worked a treat but i was reading on another forum and sometimes you have to do the procedure 3 times depending on what service it needs
  7. :angry: :16: now that will be
  8. hi guys got into my gal today and i noticed this came up on the dash,i own a mk1 gal S reg 2.3 petrol,i know it probly means it is time for a service but i done all that myself a couple of months ago,ie changed oil and filter,spark plugs,will i have to take it to a garage or something so it can be reset and will it be ok to drive up and down the motorway with service ln02 on cheers guys..
  9. cheers for that info sparky paul but i have ordered some coil spring compressors off ebay so i might aswell change the bearing while i take off the suspension leg and if my correct way of thinking is will i have to crack the bottom ball joint to do this cheers..
  10. Hi i seem to be having the same problem with suspension creaking,i have changed the rubber mounts at the top but still the same but what i did notice before and after the mount change is that the cup at the top of the suspension(the one with the nut on)that theres a gap of about one and half inch from the cup to the body surely this gap is to big and what will i have to do to close the gap,any help would be really appreciated guys
  11. madpete you are a star,i too was changing the tensioner and after 1/2 hour still could not fiqure out how it came off but after reading ya post it was all done in 10 minutes,thanks again great forum ;)
  12. no you dont! you go down to B&Q and buy one off the shelf M12X1X(DEPENDING ON THE ENGINE/GEARBOX?) 75mm, 85mm or 88mm..... 85mm auto! thanks for that wolfie ,didnt know b&q sold them but going down now to see if i can get one :lol:
  13. just an update i managed to get the rest of the bolt out by using a size 3 hss drill bit,i gently drilled three holes about 2mm deep then used the drill to get rid of the bits in between to make a sort of line across the snapped bolt and used a screwdriver and hey presto after a bit of force it came out ,so i still have to wait till tuesday to get a replacement bolt :lol:
  14. while driving my galaxy around i noticed a slight banging when changing gears,lucky for me this happened on my street,pulled up in driveway and on inspection the bottom mount was hanging down so i had a good look and the bolt had snapped inside by about 1cm,so the question is does anyone know how to remove it before i try and might damage the thread or how much will a new one cost from frauds,help would be really apeciated as i feel like pulling my hair out if i had any :rolleyes:
  15. no i agree with what you are saying but i should of posted that i took my part number and compared it to the ones on sale in ebay of the mondeos and escorts and hey presto same number so i presume its the same part ;) Here
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