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Everything posted by hp4020

  1. Daz How did you get on ? I am booking mine in next week for the same thing, plus some other electrical issues. Mine is exactly as you describe, intermittent, but its definatley slipping. I have had it from new 28k on clock, 6 months of warranty left. Love the Car to bits.....hate Ford Motor Company with a passion, last issue with them ended up being settled out of court on the date of the small claims hearing. If you want customer service from Ford, issue proceedings, then they stop trying to pi** you around. Good Luck.
  2. Emma The stalling problem was fixed with an Engine Management software update, as mentioned earlier. Mine has been in three times for the Wipers Issue, comes back with no errors, then I get a message for an alarm service, then within 36 -48 hours the wipers turn themselves on, always whilst parked, ignition off, key out, single locked, because if you double bleep the alarm also goes off whilst the wipers go beserk.
  3. Read another post on Honest Johns about a guys whos front door had travelled too far in high wind and dented itself on the edge of the wing. I have had the same but on mine it was a rear door that creased itself around the edge of the front door
  4. Had the windscreen wiper incident, It was like a car possessed, all ignition off, wipers off yet they went on and on for about 15 minutes then stopped, been alright since but the alarm keeps triggering and leaves a message that alarm service is required,messgae wont clear.
  5. The "calibration" was released by Ford on Friday 15th Feb. Im sorry I dont have a name or number for it. My MPG has gone up to 41 around town which is a 4mpg increase. I only have 7k on the Galaxy, I would expect the mileage to keep on improving as the engine loosenes, previous experience with a picasso, strted getting best mileagae at 35k + Re your problem, does my log of faults sound similar This started out as a fault that only occurred when reversing off drive on a cold morning, since a remap the problem has got worse. Wife will now not drive the car, as the failing of the power steering whan it shuts down scares her. Mon 28th Jan 5.28pm Driving in straight line 3rd gear de accelerating towards junction 30mph engine cut out. Tuesday 29th Jan 5.05 pm going round roundabout 25mph second gear cut out on roundabout. Ended up on verge steering too heavy, no power, no hazards
  6. Car has been with dealer four days, they were unable to fault it in that time. However a "calibration" was put out by Ford to fix the cutting out problem on Friday, a Ford techie visiting the dealership downloaded and installed. Had it back 10 days now and it has ran the best it ever has. Also fuel consumption ( according to Comp) has risen by 4mpg So fingers crossed .
  7. Very intresting re the fuel gauge failure, then the engine cut out, if it is a recall could you tell me when it was issued. If you have not already read my post http://www.fordgalaxy.org.uk/ford/index.php?showtopic=15445
  8. Galaxy 07 2.0 TDCi Engine cuts out - This started out as a fault that only occurred when reversing off drive on a cold morning, since a remap the problem has got worse. Wife will now not drive the car, as the failing of the power steering whan it shuts down scares her. Mon 28th Jan 5.28pm Driving in straight line 3rd gear de accelerating towards junction 30mph engine cut out. Tuesday 29th Jan 5.05 pm going round roundabout 25mph second gear cut out on roundabout. Ended up on verge steering too heavy, no power, no hazards
  9. My personal experience 7 months and 7400 miles in would be yes buy the premium pack. However I have sued 3 years of free servicing out of Ford UK to date and have no intention of keeping the vehicle even 1 day after warranty, and thats someone who usually keeps his cars 6 years.
  10. Had an offer of 2 years free servicing from Ford exec office today. If I receive written confirmation proceedings will de dropped.
  11. Daft as it sounds A lot of local authouritys will not licence the new galaxy as a Taxi, because it has no spare.
  12. I get the sound of the power steering pump working v loud, but only at full lock.
  13. Sorry for the delay in updating. As far as the vehicle goes, it has been defect free now for 2800 miles, no re re occurrence of the ABS faults. No more trim falling off, still pulls left on braking. I am waiting to see tyre wear pattern before that goes to the dealer. I actually like the car, thoughts of rejecting have faded. Wife and kids love vehicle However I am still out of pocket to the tune of around
  14. Thanks for the suggestions, its only fair to give Ford the opportunity to deal with things before I escalate issues. I agree honest Johns is a good site, and I have read his articles a few times.
  15. New Alhambra due next year I believe.
  16. Thanks for your support. The above is a copy of the letter sent to Customer Services, their copy icludes a line to say that a copy has been sent to Mr De Waard. I am under no illusion that the letter will not get to him, but I do believe that it will enter the chain higher up and a senior customer relations manager will get leant on. A seperate letter has gone to the supplying dealer indicating that a line has been drawn in the sand and any other issues after the replacement of trim / repair of passenger window will result in the rejection of the car. A letter has gone to the Group service manager of the delership, that sent me back on the road with invalidated insurance. I would like to take the time to praise the Jennings group, who even though they did not supply the car have stuck by me, even offering to work late on a Friday night to get me back on the road to get to the airport the following day.
  17. Mr. Roelant De Waard Managing Director Ford Motor Company UK Eagle Way Brentwood CM13 3BW Dear Sir I collected my new Galaxy 2.0 TDCI Zetec (
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