What happened was that the kids managed to lock the car from the inside with the remote, keys were on the drivers seat while kid #3 was strapped in. Shut the door to walk round to the drivers door and they had locked it. Then they dropped the keys down inside the child seat and couldn't get them out. So then we had 2 kids plus baby plus mother in law in the car, locked from inside by remote, no access to the key and the button on the armrest will not open the door. Only by getting MIL to clamber into the back and dismantle the child seat could they get the doors open. She's nearly 70 and it took half an hour. with kids screaming and windows steamed up as it was chucking it down with rain. Unusual set of circumstances I know, but that is how it happened. Sorry, just read your edit, but have given the full details anyway. Think this is just one of those things that is a million to one chance.