As I'm living on latitudes where preheaters are quite common I may offer some advice. I can with confidence say that you only drive away once with the cord attached. If you plan the installation well and have the inletsocket facing straight forward the connectingcord will be pulled straight out of the socket without any damages to anything. this is if you back out of the driveway of course. If you guys consider installing an engine preheater, I would like to suggest that you add a tricklecharger to the setup. Me O'l Missuses cars have had one for the last 20 years and her vehicles has needed new batteries in avarage between 8 and 10 years. My cars that never have had neither preheat or tricklecharger have needed replacement batteries at the, to us, normal 2 to 4 years interval. The extra cost for a trickler is soon paid in no batterychanges. I may also point you in the direction of DEFA, them Norsemens also knows how to heat cars in winters. I have experiences of both DEFA and Calix brands and can say that both brands work very well, only difference is that I have an impression that DEFA connectors and connector blocks are a little bit more reliable than Calix.