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Ford Galaxy Owners Club

Andy Crome

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Everything posted by Andy Crome

  1. Really nice looking upgrade. I have the older square stereo and have been looking around to upgrade it. Ebay only seems to offer a JVC unit - but I would like one that still works with the steering wheel controls - can you provide more details on the make and model please? Cheers, Andy
  2. Hi - I think I might be able to help with this. I have a Samsung Galaxy S and I've not been able to pair it with the car - until yesterday. The phone would find the car bluetooth - you could enter the code - then the stereo would flash up "Bonding Failed" - I'd not seen this message before. The phone just sat there trying to pair. I have other phones that work with the car so this was annoying me. I dropped in to my local Ford dealer and he had the same phone which he paired successfully with a number of different fords so we knew it should be possible. He tried it with mine and it didn't work. He pressed the phone button, then pressed menu - then used the left and right scan buttons on the head unit to scroll through the paired phones, there were quite a few in there. He was trying to unbond some of the old ones but it wasn't the same as the slightly newer stereos so it wasn't obvious. He offered to research it and give me a call. I started to play with the head unit and found that if you press the phone button, then press menu button twice it brings up the debonding menu, just scrolll left and right through the phones and press menu to debond them. I debonded all the old handsets I didn't have anymore and the Galaxy paired up no problem. Give it a try - and best of luck! Andy By the way - the Galaxy S is not listed as a supported handset on the Ford website - so this is a real bonus!
  3. I spoke at length with the dealer - he was desperate to rule out the phone, so I pointed out it did it with: Nokia N80 Nokia 6233 Nokia 6130 Sony Ericcson K800i Siemens Benq - no idea on model He got the point and then advised me the Bluetooth kit is actually from Nokia - so it should be pretty good. The dealer want the car for 2 days next to run tests - either that or they need something to ferry customers around with :-( Will update with the results...
  4. Sadly my integrated bluetooth phone kit is proving to be a real problem now and I wondered if anybody else was experiencing issues with theirs? On long journeys, if I stop at for instance the services, I can't reconnect my phone (or any phone - tried 4 different ones!). The connection drops in calls Sometimes - just not able to connect at all :-( The most annoying thing is that Ford don't seem to be interested in fixing an intermittent fault - despite being under warranty. I've shown them the problem once - but today I spent an hour trying to demonstrate the probelm again and it worked perfectly. Any suggestions? Andy
  5. My 56 plate Mk3 has paint flaking off the front bumper - from the small recessed feature line around the lower edge of the grill :-( I took it to my local dealer, who redirected me to a local paint shop who said they've never seen it happen before. He did however suggest the the paintwork in general is very poor on the Galaxy & S-Max models. He went over mine and checked all the usual areas - seems to be around the door seals mostly - no further issues found though. So the car is 11 months old, paint is flaking off and I have to wait and see if Ford will cover it under warranty - believe it or not - they might not!!!! If not covered, there is going to be the equivalent of a small explosion (that would be me) in the dealership when they tell me to my face it is not covered! Watch this space! Andy
  6. I have a 56 plate version of your car - mine are just reflectors - stuck on, not even light units. :lol:
  7. Did you get the instructions for this? I have a ZETEC with the same option - also ex demonstrator. I found if you press the voice button and wait it lists the commands. If you then select one of them - like CD - it then lists al the available commands again. Complete waste of time - quicker to use the left hand and sort manually! However the bluetooth phone integration is brilliant Cheers, Andy :wacko:
  8. Well I've had my 56 plate 2.0 TDCI Zetec for a week now and on the whole I'm impressed. I picked it up on Friday with 1500 miles on the clock - drove 180 miles (mix of motorway and country roads) at - er - lets just say it wanted to cruise significantly above the speed limit - and she returned 44.9mpg. I then toured all around North Devon 6 up, drove back home to Reading - went to work the next day and the overall economy was 42.4mpg and all on 1 tank of fuel. Now I'm new to diesels and galaxy's - but I think this is very impressive. The engine is an absolute gem - in 6th gear she pulls like a train, I thought I would have to stir the gear box on some of the hilly roads in Devon but not so. On the down side: [*]Dissapointed the rear windows don't open - but might have to take the covers off at the weekend and see whats in there! Also - have had a few drops of rain leak in around the off side one. [*]Mine has the integrated voice control system with Bluetooth connection to my phone - excellent!!! but it stopped working on the way home from work tonight :-( [*]The rattle - must be from the over head console - it is only very light but it will be fixed! [*]the fasteners to hold the floor panels to the back of the rear seats are broken - but the garage have ordered the new magnetic ones and will fit for free :-) [*]only one 12v accessory socket in the rear and the DVD player's lead is 1cm too short!!!! - will be fitting some more at the weekend. [*]Why - is the socket for MP3 connectivity in the glovebox ???? [*]No tonneau cover :-( and ford want
  9. Hello, Picked up my new'ish (56 plate) 2.0 TDCI Zetec on Friday - my first Galaxy and so far I'm really impressed. Very torque'y engine - economical- nice to drive - pretty satisfied. The only downside is that this car was a demnstrator (which I had to buy due to error in pricing :-) ) so didn't manage to find one with cruise control, looking forward to you guys figuring out how to retrofit it on the new models - the dealer says it can't be done :-( Cheers, Andy
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