just a quick update i got my 6006e yesterday and fitted it slotted in a treay many thanx u 2 in my opinion i no its a little rounder on the face but i think it looks better in the hole more than the 5000 does lol many thanx u 2
hi i want to upgrade my stereo in my 2002 gal,i have the ford 5000 and i want to put the ford 6006e in to it can some 1 plz tell me if the has to b any modifacations to my old set up or the dash that it fits into plz many thanx tony
hi chris yes when i turn ignition on and go in 2 reverse it bleeps then it just flashes comtinuiously and yes if i press the switch it turns it off but i kinda like the parking sensors and they did work but recently have stopped and i was wondering if there was ne way round it without it costing a fortune many thanx tony
hi chris sorry im new 2 this site n wasnt sure what to put i got a 2002 ford galaxy 19 tdi and ive seen the navigation system in another galaxy so i presumed that it wud just fit straight in apart from changin the bit of console round it but ty for giving me the site il check that 1 out many thanx tony
i have a 2002 galaxy and the parking sensors continuiously flash on the centre console can some 1 plz gove some advice on what this problem is or how to find the problem many thanx tony