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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by bodgerd

  1. Hi, please can anyone help? I have a late 2009 Galaxy Ghia and recently have noticed that the drivers side middle row seat belt is very wet after any rain. It has started to smell, so I tend to keep it clipped into the buckle of the middle seat, to effectively keep it from retracting back into the rear trim area. The carpet doesn't seem wet, and I noticed the seal that runs down the rear side pane of glass (when looking from the middle door perspective) was not pushed tight under the glass at top and bottom, so have resolved this, but the water is still getting in. Is this likely to be coming in through the "roof tracks", through the petrol filler area, the door seal, the rear window seal, or somewhere I haven't thought of? Any suggestions or help in knowing how to remove the rear "trim" (i.e. if you were sitting in the very rear seat on the drivers side, the trim would be against your right leg). My car is often parked on a driveway where the front of the car is lover than the rear - in case that is of importance! As you can hear, I'm not particularly technical, but keen to get this sorted :). Many thanks
  2. Just bought a 59 plate Galaxy Ghia and noticed the cover on the passengers side wing mirror is not clipped-on correctly and is sitting slightly higher than it should. Anyone know how are these removed and re-seated please? Thanks.
  3. Thanks for the tip, will give it a go. The only other interesting factor is that this problem only seems to have happened after the recent spate of snow, where the Galaxy has been covered in a good few inches - only just thought of that - although not sure what impact that might have had. Also, just looked with a torch inside the engine compartment and think I can see the drains leading down into the wings. They didn't look blocked, although I did try and get the dyson hose as far in as poss, just in case (please don't tell my wife)!!
  4. No sunroof I'm afraid, but thanks for the tip.
  5. My 55 Galaxy Zetec 1.9 Diesel is only used once or twice a week and sits on my driveway sloping downhill (i.e. back is higher than front). It's been kept like this for ages with no problems, but I have recently noticed when I pull off the driveway water pouring from the bonnet release catch area. I have no idea where to start looking or which tricks to try, so all advice would be most appreciated. It is likely that the water is coming in when the car is stationary and not specifically when being driven, so (rightly or wrongly) I am probably discounting any grommets into the engine compartment. I previously had water dripping-in through the sunglasses roof mounted tray and this was fixed by Frauds under the warranty by renewing the seal along the top of the windscreen. The only other thing I noticed was the seal that runs along the roof and down to the windscreen was tucked under the seal that runs along the top of the windscreen on the drivers side and the one on the passenger side was running slightly over the top of the windscreen seal. I have since made the drivers side the same, but this doesn't appear to have worked. My apologies if there's already a thread on this!
  6. Hi all, I had the same problem as described (flashing glow pub indicator, no brake lights working, etc). The brake light switch itself also felt quite warm, so disconnected the cable. Cost me
  7. Did you ever get to the bottom of the wind noise around the drivers door? I've got exactly the same problem, been into Ford's lots of times, but they have drawn a blank! Tried the same as you - taped up door, windows, mirror, still happens!
  8. It's just a sunglasses holder and a couple of interior lights housed in the ceiling, but I can't understand how any water would get into this and pour out of the hinges of the sunglasses holder when I pull off the drive!
  9. No sunroof. This is totally weird and very annoying!
  10. OK, so this is pretty unusual, but very frustrating! I've got a 55 reg Galaxy Zetec 1.9 Diesel 130bhp and I have just noticed water coming out of the sunglasses tray in the roof-mounted centre console (the bit above the mirror). The car isn't used much and is parked on a drive sloping down away from the house (i.e. Galaxy front lower than rear). When I get in the car I notice drips onto the dash around the radio, etc and can see water drops from the sunglasses hinge in the central roof console. When I pull off the drive (i.e. car becomes horizontal) water then pours out of the sunglasses tray. Only just noticed this (admittedly we have had pretty heavy rain recently in Wales) but only things that have changed recently are new battery and an oil change and pretty confident it can't be related to these. I've done a quick inspection around the top windscreen seal and seems OK and checked around back door with door open - in case water was coming in at rear and running down to the front and can't see anything obvious. I will try and book in for a look at it under warranty, but in the mean time. any ideas? Anyone else experienced the same?
  11. Bleeno, no it wasn't sorted despite 5 trips into the local Ford main dealer. I even took advice to contact the Ford Technical team, which I did by writing them a letter (as the phone line in
  12. Hi decappo. Thanks for the photo. Just checked under the bonnet and yes, got both bits of foam! It was a good try though!
  13. Thanks Bleeno, that made me smile on a busy Friday before a bank holiday!! In fact, the guys at the Ford garage inspected these and taped them up with 4" masking tape, but didn't seem to make a difference. I might try driving with the window down and grabbing hold of the roof bars at some point to see if that affects things!
  14. Thanks mumof4, just had a look. It appears the technical helpline is
  15. I got the Galaxy back last night and the so called "specialists" couldn't sort the wind noise either. Ford have hit a total brick wall on this one. They assure me there is nothing on their internal database about this, which surprises me given the number of threads about this issue. I spent half an hour with the Ford engineer who has been looking at this issue for me and we walked through everything they have tried (which all seems logical) - taping up the windscreen, around the bonnet, lights, doors, quarter light window, mirror, roof, roofrails - still get the problem. This indicates to me it's not about air coming into the car through a seal, but is something to do with air turbulence outside the car. The fact it also happens when the window is fully in the down position also points to this being the case. As to why this only happens on the drivers side, Ford has no idea - we spent ages comparing the two sides of the car and can't seem to see anything! So, Ford can't fix it and their only advice was to contact VW to see if the Sharan's suffer with the same problem. Any one know about this? What about the Seat's? I could see one post from a Seat owner, but the fix seemed to be taping up the mirror joints - doesn't work on the Galaxy. Also, does anyone know of a route for e-mailing into the Ford technical people about this? Thanks.
  16. decappo, thanks for the tip and picture, I might need further info to locate the precise bit of foam you refer to. It's gone into the garage again today, and this time they are taking it to some form of "specialist". I will have a look for this piece of foam when I get it back...assuming the noise is still there. It's hard to say exactly where it's coming from, but the Ford engineers obviously suspected the little triangle window as they took this out and re-sealed it twice! Interestingly, you can hear the noise really clearly when driving with the drivers window down as well. I've tried putting my hands over as many seals as I can safely reach while driving (and also all around the mirror area) at 40mph, but just can't locate it! El Dingo, the guys in the garage apparently checked all the door alignments, but thanks for your suggestion! I'll let you know what happens when I get it back (for the 5th time now)!! Keep the ideas coming!
  17. Thanks Neil. When the Ford garage tried their miriad of tests, this was one thing they did. They used 4 inch masking tape and sealed every join in sight. They told me they taped all around the door, the mirror, the windscreen, the quarter-light window, etc. I tend to believe them, as when I got the car back I could see that they had got in through the passenger door (oily boot marks on the passenger side floor mat and the arm wrests were in the up postion)! Thanks for trying though!
  18. Hi all, this is my very first posting, so excuse any errors :D ... I have just bought a 55 reg 130bhp Zetec Galaxy with just 8000 miles which generally I'm really pleased with. One really annoying "feature" I have come across is a loud wind noise coming from the drivers window. I have searched this site and found numerous other posts around this topic, but none seem to cure the problem. The Problem: Driving at anything over 30mph results in a whistling/"wind noise" which appears to come from the drivers window area. Things I've Tried so Far: As I bought the Galaxy from a Ford main dealer, it has been back in 4 times so far. The technicians agree they can also hear the fault (which rules "me" out), they have replaced the "outer door seal", re-sealed the front quarter-light window seal, put masking tape around the windscreen, mirror, roof bars, all door "joints/seals", checked all grommets around the pedals, etc, ruled out the internal vents. They even used an ultrasonic tool which apparently they use to identify water leaks. They have also checked all the seals, and can't locate any gaps. They can't think of anything else to try, but agree the problem hasn't been affected by all the various tests they have carried-out. They claim to have checked their internal database for similar problems and can't find any reference to this issue. I find this strange, as I have found a number of similar frustrations on this site with the same issue! Advice I've Taken from Previous Posts on this Site: I tried taping up all the joints around the drivers wing mirror - no difference. I tried driving down the motorway and pulling the front door inwards by pulling at various points around the drivers window - no difference. I can't seem to affect the noise by anything I try from inside the car. I'm begining to think this is a "design feature", or something caused by the air flow around the wing mirror, but this doesn't explain why it doesn't happen on the passenger side. Please can anyone help me with this, as I don't know what else to try? Anyone else got this same problem? Is it just a case of turning the radio up? Thanks guys bodgerd!
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